| oneshot: Baby Mike | Love Stains

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Tasha walked through the doorway, entering her close friend Mike's bedroom. She looked around, surveying the semi messy room. Typical for her friend, who was a twenty-one year old maniac. The least of her worries was his messy room, though. She'd have to worry about worse things like the wild stories and thoughts he would share, along with his crude jokes about masturbation and bestiality. Not to mention his huge stack of hustler and other pornographic magazines that he liked to show off. Tasha plopped onto the side of his bed as he entered soon after with two red solo cups filled with some really fizzy soda, reaching his arm out to hand her one as he sipped from the other.

"Did you just wake up?" Tasha asked through a laugh, flickering her eyes up and down at him quickly, taking note of his lazy appearance. He wore loose grey sweatpants with a black t-shirt with some band plastered on the front.

"Yeah, had a late night with the boys." He said wryly, referring to the members of his band Mr. Bungle. He took another sip from his fizzy beverage before setting it down on his dresser, moving to sit next to Tasha. She looked around some more, her eyes skimming over his poster of the beautiful and talented singer Sade. He had just gotten that poster a week or two ago, but something about it looked... off. Tasha stood up, moving closer to the poster to get a better look at it. When she got close enough she paused abruptly, her eyes furrowing in confusion. "Um, Mike? What's wrong with your poster? It's all icky and looks like you might of spilled something on it." She looked it over again, wondering what kind of substance could've made such an imperfection on the once new poster.

Mike's lips spread ear to ear, a fresh grin growing. He stood up from his bed, walking up behind his friend. She felt him tower over her as he whispered, "Oh, those are just my love stains." He said with a deadpan tone. Her eyes widened a bit, feeling a wave of disgust roll over her, making her want to barf. That was just something she didn't need to know, and preferred if he kept that one a secret.

Mike bursted out into laughter at her silent reaction, already knowing he had scarred her. He loved it. Making her think he was the most disgusting guy ever, that would surely keep her far away from fancying him. And that's what he wanted, not that she was unattractive to him or anything. Mike was just completely obsessed with the close-knit, pure friendship that they shared.

Tasha let out a deep breath, turning to him with a look of disgust. "Ugh, Mike you are so gross." She brushed past him, regaining her spot on his bed. Mike continued to laugh hysterically, moving to annoyingly prod at her arm.

"Yet you still love me, right?" His grin was even wider holding out his arms to take her into an embrace. Instead she stood up, delivering a blow to his chest with her fist. He groaned a little, pretending that it hurt before sporting that same mocking grin on his lips. This infuriated her more, provoking her to yank on a lock of his long brown hair.

"You're going to drive me insane, Mike." She mumbled, looking off to the side with a bitter look on her soft features.

"You'll get over it," He assured while moving to pull one of his dirty magazines from a box in a corner of his room. "I gotta show you some real wicked shit in here." He insisted, his fingers flipping through the pages.

'Here we go again,'  Tasha thought as she closed her eyes, preparing herself for what was about to come.

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