| oneshot: 1995 Mike | Like it or not.

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| Notes: drunk angry lizard mike, we been knew he's devious. It gets weird as always, enjoy! |

South America was always the place to party, let loose, and not care about life. It was a place to embrace your locked away desires and needs freely, void of all worries and responsibilities. This is where Mike would find himself, his inner likes and wants, and practice them without thinking of his parents, his wife, or his daily responsibilities. Argentina, is the place he indulged in all his sick desires, playing along with the party lifestyle, drinking, and pointlessly wanting to fuck everyone. It was the only place he allowed himself to indulge in these activities.

It was at an after party where he found his true calling. Across the room stood a red haired woman, her skin pale in contrast to her fiery curly locks of hair. He moved closer to Billy, whispering something into his ear.

"You see that girl over there? I want her." Mike said through a slur, slowly pointing in the direction of the female, the fruity alcohol infused drinks from earlier  now taking its toll. Billy laughed a little at first, completely caught off guard by his friend's request. Mike had a wife back home, and they already weren't on the best of terms with each other. It wasn't just that though – Billy had known Mike's wife for awhile now, and almost felt a little guilty about being involved in this situation. Billy felt like Mike was putting him in a predicament he didn't want to be apart of. If Mike wanted to cheat Billy preferred he do that on his own time, not at an after party with friends.

"You sure, man? I don't think your old lady would like that." Keeping his tone calm and friendly, Billy attempted to shift things in a different direction, and maybe knock some sense into Mike.

Mike just gave Billy a quick glance, and that's all it took for him to know that Mike wasn't changing his mind.

"I'm positive."

Billy took one more look at Mike, giving his shoulder a little slap before he went off to snag the red head for his friend, reluctant to it all.

Mike just sat coolly, taking a few gulps of his drink, thinking over things a little bit. Part of him felt a little sorry for it, but he knew he had to do this. He was in Argentina for christ sakes! Perhaps he wasn't thinking clearly – he was under the influence after all, but it wasn't even just that. Mike felt love for his wife, but they butted heads too often for his liking. She held him down, and cared for him when he needed it the most, but even that didn't cut it. He wanted to let loose, desperately. He had his reasons.

A few moments later Billy approached Mike with the lady trailing close behind him, her cheeks bright red. She greeted Mike with a wide smile, reaching her hand out immediately to shake his. "Hi Mike! I'm a big fan, really, I love your work with Faith No More! Mr Bungle is also amazing." Mike could barely hide his displeasure. It was all like a really big let down. He listened to her praise him in her heavy accent, trying hard not to roll his eyes. It's not that he didn't appreciate it, he just couldn't deal with it. It's all anyone ever said to him. He could rarely ever find someone that didn't know him as 'the singer for Faith No More' or, 'Mr. Bungle's frontman.' It was tiring, and got old so easily. They all said the same thing. Never, "Nice to meet you, what's your name?" They always knew who he was, and had some motive behind talking to him.

Refraining from being rude, Mike forced a fake smile, reaching to shake the woman's hand. "So, what brings you here to this party?" He asked, trying to steer the conversation away from his career.

"I heard you and your bandmates would be here, so I figured I should come and have some fun!" Alas, it never stopped. A never ending cycle. His faux smile instantly dropped, turning away to grab his drink again.

As he took a sip, he began to ponder, thinking about what he could do to make this broad not want to ever be around him again. So many options, so many possibilities..

His eyes widened once he decided what would be best, and a devious smirk began to brim on his small lips as he let the idea set in play.

"Oh, you wanna have fun, huh?" Mike offered through a wink, his intentions pretty clear. She smiled softly, batting her eyelashes at him. "Hell yeah, I do."

Nothing else had to be said, Mike grabbed the girl by her small wrists, leading her into a more private area of the club.

Once they were alone, Mike sat her down on a sofa, moving over to grab something. She couldn't see what it was, and didn't think anything of it really. She scooted over closer to him, placing her dainty hand on his thigh. Mike just watched her with a blank look in his dark eyes, licking over his bottom lip.

"What are we gonna do?" The suspense was getting to her, and that look in his eyes – oh, that look. He looked at her like she was a piece of meat. Studying her, staring at her soft features, observing her small mannerisms. She was beautiful, alluring there was some sort of pureness that she had. He couldn't make any sense of it, he didn't know what he was thinking. All he knew was that he wanted to leave her trembling. He wanted to grab and squeeze her, clutching at her plump breasts and thick thighs, making her orgasm time after time again.

Although that's what Mike craved right now, he wouldn't do it. He simply couldn't. It just wasn't right. Even if he was in a foreign place, free of all the functions of reality.

"I'm gonna tie you up, ma'." Mike said in a low tone, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. "You okay with that?" He double checked, making sure she was cool with it. He wasn't that much of an asshole.

She slowly nodded her head, her interest nearing its peak. Mike began to tie her hands behind her back, and then wrapped the thick rope at her ankles, restricting any movement, confining her. Her knees rested on the solid, cold linoleum. Mike stood before her, towering over her curvaceous figure, looking down at her. God he wished he could slink his hand up her lavender minidress, grabbing at her well rounded behind.

Mike began to unzip his pants, not losing focus on what he really was about to do.

"You're beautiful, babe, really." He flirted, trying to dispel the silence in the dimly lit room. Mike bent down some to take her into a deep kiss, nipping at her full lips lightly. As he backed away from her, Mike pulled his dick free from his pants, beginning to urinate over her. He watched as light yellow drops splattered on her skin, dripping down her chest, leaving her perfect body stained with his mess. He cracked up laughing as he did, his whole demeanor maniacal.

The crimson haired woman looked at him in shock, completely bewildered and enraged. Her cheeks were flushed with humiliation. She couldn't help but want to jump on him and beat him.

Mike took notice to how pissed off she was as he zipped up his pants, the smirk on his lips growing wider. "Like it or not, I had to do it, baby." He reached down, wrapping his hands on each side of her arms, helping her up and over to the sofa. His hands worked to untie the ropes, releasing her from the restriction. Her hazel eyes were darted off to the other side of the room. She couldn't look at him, she was too embarrassed to even talk. His rough hand reached under her chin, lightly trailing his fingers along her jawline.

"Now after this, I don't want you to ever try to come see me ever again. You know what you were after, knowing I have a wife."

This time she couldn't help but make eye contact with him. 'This guy is fucking insane...'  This wasn't the outcome she expected at all. What she wanted was to have a fun night, and screw around with him. Never would she have thought that something so simple, could turn into something as twisted as this was...

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