| oneshot: Baby Mike | Piercings

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| Note: okay y'all this isn't my best, AT ALL. It's actually kind of stupid and I wrote it at like 3 am, but knowing me, I HAD TO. I just wanted to show a different side to baby Mike, you know, he had some sort of innocence to him then. 💀 He would make for a great best friend that you can be open with without having to worry about any other feelings, or him coming on to you. anyways, I hope you enjoy! |

"Would you just tell me already?" Mike let out a yawn, his arms rested behind his head as he laid sprawled out on his mattress, awaiting his friend's news.

Tasha looked at him nervously, biting down on her lower lip just a bit. Her mind was a flutter, making up concoctions of possible outcomes that would happen if she told him. It was stupid, really, not as far as interesting or exciting as she was egging it on to be. For some odd reason though, she just couldn't say it. Her mouth wouldn't allow herself to form the words. Maybe it was a bit too personal? Or stupid? She couldn't decide, but her over analyzing the situation was making it so much worse to get it on with.

"Well, I.. it's not a big deal, I was just going to tell you but I don't know now." She averted her eyes from his, avoiding looking directly at him.

"Well, if you weren't sure in the first place, why would you bring it up?" Mike asked, nonchalantly.

"I don't know! I just thought it would be cool but then I remembered it's you, and you'll probably laugh at me."

"Now why would I ever do that?" Mike answered in jest, a smirk growing on his lips.

Tasha just stared at him blankly, an unamused look on her features. Mike was always like that, he loved to tease, and prick and prod at her. It was his thing.

"Well, whatever, I'm gonna show you, okay?"

Mike still laid back, his head propped up on his pillow as he stared at her, waiting for whatever it was. He was a little puzzled though, didn't she say she had to tell him something, and now she's talking about showing him?


Dainty hands slipped under the hem of her shirt, lifting it all the way up.

With her breasts free from the confines of the fabric, his eyes were immediately glued to the studded mounds.

Mike's eyebrow raised in confusion, unsure if he was even seeing correctly.

"I got them pierced." She said through a low tone, nearly a whisper.

Mike almost immediately sat up, coming in for a closer look.

"Shit," he mumbled in his trance, his eyes skimming over the shiny piercing, "Did it hurt?"

"Only a little, I was surprised." Tasha said, her brown eyes looking up at him, attempting to figure out what he was thinking.

"They're cool, they look good." Mike snorted, poking a finger at the piece of cold silver. Tasha winced a little bit, drawing herself away from his touch. "They're sensitive, be careful Mike!"

Mike raised both his hands up in surrender, quickly apologizing before taking another look at them.

"They're even more suckable now, you know." Mike quipped, smiling over at Tasha.

"Guys, girls, they'll go crazy over this." He added on, letting out a laugh.

Tasha just rolled her eyes, chuckling at Mike as she pulled her shirt back down.

"Show's over, now go back to your playboy." She teased, knowing that the only real and up close pair of breasts Mike has seen recently was hers, right now.

"I don't know if I want to now." Mike sneered, playing along with her sarcastic comment.

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