| AD Era | Mike Patton's interview

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| Note: So this is very different from what I usually do, it's more of a special feature to this series. I really like reading Mike's old interviews and was inspired to do this. I hope you guys enjoy it, it was fun to do. Shout out to the crack! magazine ;) |

The Crack! Magazine

So, Mike, it's very nice to see you! I know earlier this year you returned from touring with Guns N Roses, what have you been doing ever since?

"I've been working on a few songs for the next album. You know, writing some lyrics here and there."

Oh, really? Would you mind sharing a lyric or two? I think the fans deserve a sneak peek.

[ He looks at me strangely for a second before opting for the truth. Bad, Patton! ]

"Actually I do mind, mostly because I'm lying. To tell you the truth, I haven't been doing jackshit since I got home. I've just kinda been existing, slouched on my sofa. I stare at the wall for most of the day."

Well, I guess that's fair. It seems you attract a lot of female fans. Are you seeing anyone?

"God, I actually have a story... So, I've been dating this girl for about three weeks now. Everything's been cool until two nights ago. I get a call late in the evening and it's her. Her voice is all low and sad, even though I know she probably really didn't care. [ Patton pauses, smirking from ear to ear. ] But anyways, back to the point. She starts telling me how I'm too much to handle, that she's 'not capable' of satisfying my needs. Now I was caught off guard -- It's like, what do you even say to that? Sorry? I never did anything wrong to this girl, I don't know what it was. Maybe my urges were a little overpowering? I just got off touring so I'm overjoyed -- ya' know, usually when people are happy they'll get in certain moods. [ Patton clears his throat and laughs, muttering to himself. ] God this is so bad.. Moral of the story, I guess I was draining the life out of the poor girl. 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵's 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵."

Ladies beware!

OK – Here's a bit of a cliche and corny question, what's your favorite food?

"I love sandwiches, and many types of bread. Give me all the baguettes! Throw in a moldy loaf too while you're at it."

What do you see yourself doing in the future?

"What I'm doing now, but hopefully under better circumstances."

Under better circumstances? What's so wrong with where you're at now?

[ Patton raises his brows, shaking his head with a slight grimace. It's as if the mention of the topic struck a few nerves. ]

"Well, you see, the record label Faith No More is under right now.. really isn't giving us the best time. You see, when you're just joining a band and a seemingly good record label gives you a good looking offer, you don't really read over the contract conditions. Yeah, you'll skim over it, but that excitement inside of you takes over and bends your ability to think rationally. Not sure if I'm really supposed to speak on this -- my manager usually tells me to shut up about these types of things, but hey, I'm an honest man. [ Patton sports that same childlike mischievous grin. ] Our label is basically fucking us, real slow and hard. They want us to musically conform to what's deemed as 'in' these days... And if you can't already tell, we're not those type of guys. We create what we want to create, we do what we want to do. Sure, we can go back to doing songs that are similar to The Real Thing and make loads of money -- but that's just something we're not really interested in."

It sounds like you're against The Real Thing, are you ashamed of it?

"No, I'm not ashamed. We did what we did with that album, I was brand new to the band. Basically I was just picking up the pieces to where Chuck [Mosley] left off. That album was alright for that specific time it was released, but to do the same thing all over again? Pfft, what's the point of that? You see so many bands out there recycling the same sound over and over again. It's lazy and boring. Why do the same thing time and time again when you can create something totally different and new? I really don't get it."

One last thing, what can people expect from the 'Mike Patton Diaries'?

"Lots of weird and twisted stories about me. It all can be considered as disturbing, or cruel. -- but that's just the way I like it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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