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December 2th, 2012 (technically December 3rd)

Never ever again. I almost came out of the closet tonight at a fucking party that I didn’t even know was a party to begin with!! That’s what I get for spending the night over Adam’s house and participating in spin the bottle. Tonight wasn’t meant to be like this; me drunk off my ass, kissing a cute guy, and almost exposing my sexual orientation. Tonight was supposed to be about catching up with my shows and getting a break from Demetrius and Ariel because they are away for the weekend. Early today I was sitting in my room drawing some stuff when I got a phone call…


“Yo, Ty, what are you doing tonight?” Adam asked.

“Nothing, really, just watching some TV.”

“Well cancel that, you’re spending the night over my house tonight. The others are gonna be there to, it’s gonna be fun.”

“Uh, okay, sure what time should I come?”

“8ish. See ya later.”

I should’ve said no but I actually wanted to spend some time with my “friends” because I’ve been focused on Demetrius and Ariel. When 8 o’clock came rolling around Mom dropped me off at Adam’s place but I should have known something was going on because there was loud music coming from the house and flickering lights. Mom didn’t think anything of it because she wanted to hurry home so her food wouldn’t burn since she was having friends over. So she kicked me out the car and sped off, when I knocked on the door I knew something was wrong….

Music was pounding from inside the house it was ridiculous, I’m surprised the neighbors didn’t complain yet. Adam answered the door with a big grin on his face, “NOW THE PARTY CAN START!”

He pushed me inside the house and I wish he hadn’t. Everywhere around me there were sweaty teenage that had no business being in a 13 year old’s house.  Why would they even come in the first place? I was going to open my mouth but Adam cut me off. “Ty! This party is going to be awesome! My parents are out of town and so are my noisy next door neighbors so don’t get all worked up! EJOY THE PARTY! WOO!”

He handed me a drink and let me alone in the middle of the disaster waiting to happen.

Now, learning my lesson from the Halloween party you would have thought I wouldn’t have drunk the liquid Adam just gave me. But no, it looked like water so I just drunk it and tried to be the civil minded person in the house….twenty minutes later and I was the drunkest one there. Somehow I wasn’t “black-out drunk” because I can still remember what happened but the alcohol was taking over my body. Note to self: Never partake in parties again -_-  I guess sometime around…10ish I was ready to go to sleep but no, Adam wanted me to play spin the bottle with tons of other teenagers that really shouldn’t be partying on a Sunday night. I remember bits and pieces like for example I kissed another fucking guy! I almost exposed myself by kissing another guy.

I spun the bottle, it was finally my turn and I was ready to fucking kiss somebody cute already! And where was that clear drink when you needed it? Everyone gasped when it finally stopped; I looked up to see a cute guy known to be Finn.

Now Finn is a pretty cute guy that I might’ve had a crush on if I didn’t nearly expose myself and this wasn’t a complete tragedy. Now I do have to say…Finn was a pretty good kisser.

Adam looked at me then to Finny-boy. “Ugh….TY HURRY UP WITH YOUR TURN ALREADY!” he yelled obviously drunk off his ass.

I looked at Finn then smiled, “Gladly.”

We locked lips the second I leaned over to kiss him. FINNY’S LIPS TASTE LIKE COTTON CANDY AND UNICORNS….

I was defiantly out of my mind because the kiss had to last about 2 minutes because my not drunk “Friend” Matt broke it up in a hurry. He yelled at Adam to ask what happened and I guess Adam somewhat sobered up because he was all over poor Finn. Yelling thing like “Faggot get out of my house!” and “GET AWAY FROM HIM!” They never once looked at me until the party was over and it was just us and my other “friends”. They all asked if he hurt me or did he spread his decease and bullshit like that. Luckily I had finally fallen asleep but hours later woken up by yelling and screaming by Adam’s parents. Not fun at all and we still had to go to school. Damn I need to stay home more often….


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