Chapter Twenty-Two

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Arabella was supposed to be at the high school by eight o'clock. Stefan, however, kept her at the house to give her the run down of all that had happened within the past few days. Her mind is still reeling from the information that he provided her about Alaric and everything bad that has happened since Klaus's arrival in town. And she had been so blind to it all because of her stupid soulmate bond.

Checking her cell phone, Arabella releases a sigh. Hopefully, the blonde won't be too upset about Arabella arriving an hour late to the clean up crew.

"Caroline!" She shouts down the school hallway. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I got held up!"

Pausing in the cafeteria, Arabella scans the empty room. The place is still a mess, despite the clean up crew being here for at least an hour. "Caroline!?"

Walking past classrooms, Arabella stops at Alaric's classroom. Inside, she spots the vampire. Her hands are stuck to the desk with pencils and a cloth is wrapped around her mouth. Caroline's neck is obviously broken and not yet healed, meaning that this is a recent offense. "Caroline!" She whispers in surprise.

Rushing over to help her friend, Arabella isn't prepared to get thrown across the room and into the wall. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," a familiar voice commands angrily.

Arabella looks up to find her old history teacher glaring down at her in anger. "Alaric?" She asks in shock. Veins pop up underneath his eyes, signifying that he completed the transition.

"Arabella," he responds. "Esther gave me some pretty clear instructions about how to kill you." He slowly approaches her, pulling out the new invincible white oak stake. "Step one: get you to ingest Klaus's blood." The girl's eyes widen in fear when she remembers how the hybrid had used his blood to help her last night.

The teacher approaches the girl as she backs away as far as she can until her back hits the wall. "Step two: get you alone. You're vulnerable when you're by yourself."

Knowing exactly where this is going, Arabella makes a break for the only exit to the classroom. Her downfall, however, is her speed. Vampires are faster than werewolves. Especially when they're fueled by vengeance.

Alaric blocks her path. "Step three," he begins. He places his hands on both sides of the girl's head and snaps her neck. "Kill you."

Gasping for breath, Arabella comes back to life on Alaric's classroom floor. Everything about her feels wrong. The sunlight streaming into the room is way too bright, it's almost as though it is trying to burn Arabella's eyes out. The thunderous sound of Elena's racing heart gives the poor wolf a headache as she tries to assemble all of her scattered thoughts to remember what happened.

One thing that she remembers, though, is that Alaric snapped her neck. Within one second, Alaric turned her into the very thing that she never wanted to be. That she thought she could never be.

Looking towards Alaric in fear and accusation, Arabella brings and hand to her neck and shakes her head. "What did you do to me?" She asks in fear.

Alaric's nostrils flare in his anger as he looks down at the werewolf. He grabs Elena by the wrist and stabs her in the hand. Setting his white oak stake aside, Alaric grabs one of the empty cups on his desk and collects some of Elena's blood in it.

The scent alone drives the werewolf wild. A deep and unsettling hunger drives her to want the blood. To want to drink it.

"I'm giving you an out," Alaric states. "Once I kill Klaus, you'll die. Just like you wanted."

Did she really want that, though? Yes, Arabella wanted the curse lifted off of her so that she could one day die, but not right now. There are so many things that she wants to experience.

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