Chapter 1

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"Seriously, Aelin. Think about it. When. . ." "If"
"Fine, If we have a daughter, just imagine her wearing a dress on her 13 birthday. Here's the catch though, say she is a fire-bringer like you, we make the dress to look like my ice ability. And if she's like me, we make the dress to look like your fire." Aelin glances at me and rolls her eyes. "Fine. Only if it will get you to stop talking. It's two in the fucking morning." Aelin says grabbing a pillow. "Alright, alright" I say. Aelin slams the pillow down on my head. "Go to bed already." She says and rolls over to face the wall. I grin as a pillow goes over Aelin's body and hits the bed. I tuck my arm under my pillow and close my eyes. Sleep comes quickly.

Aelin's POV

Rowan's arms wrap around my as he tilts his head in towards my neck. "I'm only going to be gone for a couple weeks Fireheart." Rowan whispers. "I know." I say. I inhale his snow and pine scent one last time before I release my tight grip. "See you soon." Rowan promises. "Let's go! We haven't got all day!" Aedion yells from beside the door. "Bye Aedion!" I yell back, waving. "Bye Aelin." Rowan says one last time before turning to follow Aedion. I glance at Yrene, Chaol, and their little 6 year old daughter. Chaol holds little Emma. I stare once more at the door as it closes behind Rowan. I miss him already.

I roll over in bed trying to ignore the nausea that suddenly over came me. I throw the covers off of me and run to the bathroom to hurl. Up comes all of my dinner plus a little extra. I lean against the sink after I wash my mouth. I'll talk to Yrene in the morning. I rinse out my mouth and walk back to my bed. I slip under the covers, still able to taste the vile in my mouth.

I roll over and glance at a clock. "Fuck" I whisper. I'm late. I jump out of bed but nausea knocks me back down. "Fuck it. I'm not getting up today." I lay my head on my pillow as someone knocks on the door. "What." I groan. "Aelin you missed breakfast." Yrene says as she walks in. "Is something wrong?" "I don't know. What if you puke your guts out at 3 in the morning?" "You probably have the flu. Just rest in here for the day and I'll check on you off and on throughout today." I nod and roll over. "Try to sleep Aelin." Yrene says. "Do you need me to bring some food?" She asks. I shake my head and jump up to run to the bathroom again. Yrene quickly follows me and holds my hair up as I hurl the contents of my stomach into the porcelain toilet bowl. As I walk back to the bed Yrene says, "I'll bring a glass of water for you from the kitchen, ok?" I nod and roll over to face the wall. I hear Yrene leave the room and I reach over and grab Rowan's pillow. I inhale and roll back over to face the door.

                              2 days later

"You should be better by now." Yrene muses. "Then why aren't I?" I snap back. Yrene holds her hands up in surrender. "I can think of one more option for you however." She explains. "What is it." I groan. "Pregnancy test." She states simply, as if this was perfectly normal. Only one way to find out I guess. I close my eyes and think about the possibilities this presents. "Congratulations Aelin!" Yrene practically shouts. "You mean I'm. . ." I begin, trailing off. Yrene nods, a smile lighting up her face. "Oh my gods." I whisper. "That's why you hadn't gotten any better. Emma will love having a friend around here." Yrene says. I nod. I'm in too much shock to answer. Yrene rests a hand on my shoulder. "8 more months and Terrasen will have it's heir." Yrene tells me. I smile.

Sorry this chapter is so short but I want to stretch the story out for as long as possible. Honestly this first chapter has just taken over my life for the past couple of weeks (other than finals for school of course). I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I can't promise regular updates. Remember, if you liked the chapter, please vote. If you want to see my other throne of glass books, follow me!

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