2 1/2 years old"Fuck." I whisper as I wake up. "Please don't tell me that was a dream."
"What was a dream Mommy?"
I roll over. Lyria's round face is looking at me. "Nothing dear." I say, tugging Lyria closer to me. Lyria giggles and I bring a finger to my mouth. "Hush," I whisper, "You don't want to wake Nehemia." Lyria shakes her head, eyes bright with mischief. "What are you two talking about?" Nehemia's groggy voice says. "Nothing." Lyria says immediately. Nehemia raises her head and squints her eyes at her twin. "Come on girls," I say, "Let's go see if Emma is awake." "Emma!" The two of them squeal in excitement. I help Lyria and Nehemia into their clothes then dress myself. Lyria raises her hands. "Up!" She squeals with laughter. "Nehemia, do you want up too?" Nehemia nods. "I told you she'd let us." Lyria taunts. Nehemia sticks out her tongue. "Be nice." I chide as I bend down to hoist Nehemia up on my back. "Hold on tight." I say. Nehemia's grip tightens just a little bit. I pick up Lyria and rest her on my hip. I grab the door handle and yank the door open. "Hi Emma!" The girls squeal. I set both of them down and they run off. "Be careful!" I call after them.
I walk back into the bedroom I used to share with Rowan. I pull out a dagger, make a slice in my skin, and start etching wyrdmarks on the floor.
"Aelin, you have to stop trying to summon Rowan."
"Just let me see him Gavriel." I plead. Gavriel shakes his head. "I can't. Because he isn't here." "Don't fucking lie to me!" I shout. Gavriel stares at me. "I'm not." He answers. "Then how do you explain the mating bond breaking." I ground out. "I can't explain that, all I know is that he isn't here." "Thanks for nothing." I say, destroying the wyrdmarks. "Gods damn it." I whisper. Once again, Gavriel has been absolutely no help.
8 years old
"You ready?" I ask Nehemia and Lyria after showing them how to hold the dagger. "Now bring it back behind your head like this." I say, bring my own dagger behind my head. Nehemia and Lyria copy me. "And release the dagger when your arm gets right here." I say stopping my arm where you release the dagger. I bring the dagger up back behind my head and demonstrate. The dagger hits the center of the target. "Your turn Nehemia." I say. Nehemia brings her dagger behind her head and throws it at the target. "That's ok, that's ok." I say. "Throw it a little bit sooner." Nehemia nods, absorbing everything I say. "Lyria, your turn." Lyria nods, determination in her eyes. Her dagger lands an inch from the center. "Great job Lyria." I say. "Nehemia, go again." I instruct.
Nehemia's dagger fly's through the air and lands in the center of the target. "Natural born talent!" Fenrys calls, walking into the room. "Now where could she have gotten that from?" Aedion says sarcastically, walking in after Fenrys. I smile. "Can I throw now?" Lyria begs. I nod at the 8 year old. Lyria's eyes squint. She breathes in deeply and exhales, releasing the dagger. "Right in the middle!" Fenrys calls out. A smile brightens Lyria's face. "Do we get a show today or not?" Aedion asks. Nehemia and Lyria smile and look at me. "Show 'em what you got." I say, backing away from the two girls. Two rings of fire and ice surround the girls, a blustery wind filling the room. "Don't dive to deep to fast!" I call out. The raging wind dies down and the flames crouch lower to the ground. A small dagger appears from the flames and shoots at Lyria. Lyria brings a shield up and the the flame dagger ricochets off the ice and vanishes before it can hit the floor. All traces of fire, ice, and wind leave the room, leaving the twins standing there. "How was that?" Lyria asks. "Amazing." I reply. "Have you learned to spit fire Nehemia? That's what earned your Mother the title 'Fire Breathing Bitch Queen." Aedion says. Nehemia tries but fails to contain her laughter. "She wishes she could do that," Lyria laughs, "All she can do is make a crown of fire." Nehemia turns to her sister and punches her in the arm. "What was that for!" Lyria yells.
"Because I can." Nehemia says with a shrug. Fenrys opens his mouth to comment but I hold up a hand and say, "Don't you fucking dare." Fenrys shuts his mouth and glares at me. "Come on Aelin!" "No." I say again. "Fire Breathing Bitch Queen isn't far from the truth." Fenrys replies. I roll my eyes. Aedion shrugs. "Not much room for argument there." "Will you two shut up." I say. "Never." Aedion and Fenrys say with mischievous grins on their faces. "How about you two show Aedion and Fenrys your crowns." I suggest to Lyria and Nehemia. The girls nod. A crown of ice appears on Lyria while a crown of fire appears on Nehemia. "Of course you would teach them that." Aedion laughs. "Well why shouldn't I?" I reply. Aedion just rolls his eyes. "Alright girls. Come on. It's getting late and you two should go to bed." I say to Lyria and Nehemia. "Fine." Lyria grunts. "Race you upstairs." Nehemia challenges Lyria. "Sure." Lyria says with a shrug. "Ready, set, go!" Nehemia yells. "Hopefully they'll sleep well tonight." I comment as I start to follow the girls.
"Good night girls." I say, exiting the girl's room. They pay no attention and continue whispering back and forth. I'm not going to spend the time to argue with them. "Night Mom!" They call together as I close the door.
Look at that! Two chapters in one day! They best part, Chapter 3 is about 1,700 words and this one is about 1,000. On top of that 2,700 words, I wrote another 1,500 word chapter for The Assassin Princess. Whew. A lot of work. Now I'll be able to sleep well knowing I got 3 chapters out today.

Missing: A Throne of Glass fanfic
FanficRowan and Aedion have to go on a business trip to Adarlan. Not long after they leave, Aelin finds out she's pregnant. Two weeks later, as planned, Aedion returns, but without Rowan. As time goes on, Aelin can feel the mating bond slowly snap. Is Row...