I've seen things.. heard things..not only good...but even the really bad things. I never believed in the supernatural until I once set out to look for it myself. No one is safe.
The stories of Wendigo's date back probably till way before anyone who's reading this were even a thought of. A Wendigo is a extremely fast and strong creature which feeds on the flesh of a human body. Some people call them myths, conspiracy theories, or just flat out something their parents made up just to scare them as a punishment for doing something wrong when they were a kid. I believe otherwise. See I consider a cannibal to be a form of a Wendigo. See when a human digests another human body part it can go one of two ways the human could start to go into organ failure then die, or he/she could become more advanced. As in stronger, faster, and hungry for more. They will eventually crave flesh to the point it drives them mad. Which eventually changes them overtime. They start to no longer look like themselves. Their skin can start to deteriorate and rebuild itself overtime with stronger more durable skin. He/she then starts to lose all reason within themselves. And will attack at anything that moves or makes sound. They don't care who you are or what you're there for all they know how to do is attack. Much like a Wendigo.
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Wendigo's Usually tend to be in heavily wooded areas, tend to live within cave systems, and tend to remain within the shadows of night. They never really hunt during the day, if they do they kill quicker than Thanos can snap. Although I've never personally come across this creature myself. I'd say it's a pretty scary thing and, I'd want to be pretty prepared when going into the woods alone. Or mining in a cave alone. Usually when a cannibal is brought into the world it was just a normal human being before getting lost in the woods, or couldn't find his/her way back to the camp site. Which causes them to go mad, after a couple of days without food or water they then begin to reinvent their strategy. Usually ending up eating the person they're with, if they have someone with them at all. If not they then begin to get completely on a whole new level of crazy. If another person finds them in the wilderness they're probably already to far gone and will do anything for survival. With the lack of nutrients for their brain they can become so mentally confused to the point were they will actually eat the person who is trying to help them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're never safe anywhere and always take extra safety precautions before going into the woods alone. Maybe bring a compass or a map with you. And whatever you do...DON'T GET LOST.