Chapter 3: The Cave

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(I bit my tongue really hard trying not to throw up again. I bit it so hard that I actually started to bleed). CC you're seeing the same shit I'm seeing right? (I asked). Sadly yes. (he replied trying not to throw up again. Inside the cave we stumbled upon 4 bodies with their organs scattered all over the ground and brains in jars). CC you don't think that one of those people could be Sarah do you? I hope to god not. (He replied). This place is definitely anything but holy. Wait a minute. (I began thinking about what that old guy said back at the gas station. What if he's right, what if that's what happens to all of us if we stay here?) CC WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! NOW! What about Sarah? SARAH IS FUCKING DEAD! (I replied). You don't know that. And calm down what if the thing that did this to these people is still here? WELL...(CC shook his head at me. I sighed and calmed myself down). I'm not going to stick around to find out if this....thing is still here, I'm leaving. (I said). We need to find Sarah. (Said CC). Fuck Sarah she can rot but not me...hell no.. not me. If we don't get back to cam...(right in the middle of my sentence we heard a unusual screech and a shadowed figure zoomed past the cave). Yup fuck this I'm getting the fuck out of here. Are you coming or are you going to risk your life with whatever the fuck just flew past the cave entrance like a fucking track runner over someone who we both know is probably dead as hell right now. If so you better sign your own tombstone right where you're standing. Either way I'm fucking leaving (I said as I ran towards the cave entrance CC followed behind me. I peeked around the corner of the cave entrance making sure I had a clear path so I could book it for camp). Alright on the count of three we are both going to book it. (CC nodded). 1....2....3. (We both took off running towards the campsite. But I had a really bad feeling in my stomach. Something wasn't right. We finally got back to camp when...). HOLY FUCKING SHIT.. WTF! (I screamed). I'm gonna be fucking sick. (Said CC). (In front of us was Sarah's body...well what was left of it). What's all the commotion...WTF! (Said Roxanne). WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU! (I screamed) I was out looking for you guys when I heard you screaming so I came that... Yes it's Sarah..(Said CC). OMG WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. I second that. Make that a third yes from me but we need to stay here until it at least gets semi light enough outside where we can all see each other so one of us doesn't accidentally split up from the group. (I said. We all agreed that we would leave at dawn and to have someone on guard while the rest of us slept or tried to sleep. The guard was of course me. But we had all forgotten about one person who still could possibly be out there...Austin).

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