Before the world ended, Garin Williams was the best sports Rifleman in the world. He beat Guo Wenjun 10 to 2. He beat the Russian Riflemen Avilov Lukyan Rodionovich 20 to 18. But that's when he got to Alaska, and everything went downhill. A Hacker f...
''Garin! Wake up!'' A Man in a Yellow Hazmat shook me, causing me to wake up. I delayed my breaths, looking through the glass tint of the Hazmat suit I wore. I noticed this, grabbing onto it as if I was trapped. I FELT trapped in that yellow garbage can. ''Listen, Garin. We need to go!'' The Voice said. Embers started to rain from the sky when he turned. Ash clouds covered the sky, leaving a terrible smell. The Man in the Hazmat suit began to pick me up, helping me onto my feet. My Hazmat was now covered in Ash and had a slight blackish tint now from it. ''Hurry! Lets go! We need to go!'' The Voice called out again. I began to walk, my body working on its own. I held some automatic Weapon of sorts, cocking it back. Bodies and Bodies around dead trees and dead wildlife was common... ''California city was destroyed... The Nuke did this.'' I began to notice this wasn't just Wildlife, Tree's were actually GROWING ONTO the cars... Buildings were crushed to look like tiny hills full of grass. The air smelt like Iron and Ash, giving a sick tone. ''We need to get to San Francisco! Now!'' The Man in the Hazmat ordered, running through the barren Wasteland. I followed, coughing through the smoke and Blood giveaway.
A loud screech was heard, causing us to make a sudden stop. ''Its the Hunter....Quick! You hide! I'll hold it off!'' The Man in the Hazmat said, shooing me into a pile of Bodies. I began to blend in, playing dead the best I could. ''HEY!'' The Man screamed, taking out a pistol and firing shots into the air. ''COME AND GET ME! C'MON! GET ME!'' He cried out. The beast screeched again, slowly stepping into his vision...
It was disgusting...
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It was rotting.... It was alive but dead... It was something else. An enemy I've never seen before in my life. It began to rush the man, making him to run in fear. It wasn't long before its giant claws swatted his back, ripping the suit open. The man began to gag as the ash and radiation started to get into his lungs. The Creature screeched again, before closing its huge jaws onto the mans upper body, ripping him piece to piece. I wanted to scream...But my body was moving on its own... I began to run, knowing its not the best Idea. It then faced my direction, chasing after me. Before me, was a small cliff that lead to a muddy river. I leaped off, hitting multiple rocks on the way down. Cracks and Breaches in my suit began to form as I hit the River.
The Monster watched.
It waited.
I swam up, limping to avoid the knife-striking pain in my body.