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Y/n pov

"Good morning, Mrs.Kim." Lady Sana has woken me up with a smile on.

"Morning to you too, and it's Y/n." Lady Sana laughed and nodded.

"oh, I forgot to tell you tonight the boys are going to live here from now on." I move my head to look at her quickly that I may have broke my neck.

"What? Why?" I absolutely didn't like the idea. Absolutely didn't like it.

"something happened, I don't know. It's probably some work didn't work out well and they had to move here." I nodded in understanding. After she left, I got up to take a quick shower.

Night time

Lady Sana opened the door for them, they all rushed towards the living room with their belongings. The started getting the film ready. I looked over at Jungkook, he was smiling ear to ear, which shocked me. Of course he can smile. Could Taehyung smile like that? When Jungkook caught my gaze on him, his face changed to a cold expression. What the hell did i do to him to make him hate me? I turned around and bumped into someone's hard chest. I look up to see Taehyung. I moved a little out of the way for him to pass, but he didn't, he only stood there looking down at me.

"Aren't you going to watch the movie with us?" I shake my head while rolling eyes.

"And why do you care?" He grabbed my both cheeks with his one big hand, and move it towards his face. Speaks with bloody tone,

"Because maybe I'm your husband? " He let go and grabbed my arm forcibly towards the livingroom. He pushed me, not too hard, down on the sofa. I sigh, was about to stand up again when he holds my hand. "Stay." I rolled my eyes again. He title my chin harshly up to him. "Try to do that thing in front of me again."

"What thing? That one?" I roll my eyes. He clenched his teeth together as he was glaring at me. I move my head over my shoulder, hidding my sarcastic smile.

"guys take it easy. We are here to have the fun." Taehyung ignored Jin and sat beside me. How dose he change his expression that quick? He is driving me crazy. After they put the film, they all sat on the big sofa. On my right is Taehyung and left is Jimin. They ate pizza, candies, many snacks.

"Wanna have some?" Jimin asked holding a bag of chips, i shaked my head, not feeling like. After the movie ended, they all were  asleep. I looked over the balcony, getting up slowly, tiptoe up and open the door slowly. Finally some fresh air!

"Woah." I was amazed by the view of the night, the stars was everywhere. It's beautiful. "I miss you mom..." I whispered smiling, imaging she is here with me now, hugging me. I then remembered, She is not my biological mother. But she raised me. I wanted to cry, everything is messed up in my life. "No matter what happens, I will always remember you, love you and call you mom." I mumbled while tears streaming down my cheeks. My thoughts got cut by Jin. I wiped my tears away and truned around.

"Hey, can I join you?" he asked walking slowly to me.

"Of course. " I whispered nodding with a smile. He came closer and stood next to me, looking up at the stars. He sudden spoke, feeling the situation is serious.

"you know, Suga. He lost his sister when she was a baby. He is still trying to find her now... Searching for her." he said smiling. "he never gives up." I could see his smile is not from the heart. It's full sadness.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jin." I said softly. I feel like I can trust him... well not really, I don't trust no one from here... Not yet. "Hopefully he finds her very soon." he looks down at me, his eyes were bright.

"Yes, I hope so, too." I didn't say anything. It must have been difficult for him. He smiled and I return the smile. He was about to say more when Taehyung intruded us. Jin said his goodnight to me and walked towards Taehyung.

"Are the boys still asleep?" Taehyung nodded, Jin got inside. So, I'm alone with him now? I started to get nervous around him.

"The night is nice here, huh?" I nod a little not knowing how to answer properly. I looked over to my right shoulder, staring at him. He was already staring up, seeing his shining eyes with no emotion on. Have I ever mentioned how unreal he is? I was admiring him for too long I didn't notice. I I stopped right away after realizing what I was doing. Taehyung leaves some small chuckles before facing me fully.

"Already falling for me?" I stare away being flushed.


"yeah? You will, don't worry." he scoffed. For some reason I got irritated.

"Taehyung, listen–" he closed his ears with both hands and narrowed his eyes. "Taehyung, we need to talk about this marriage, now or later. " I said it in a serious tone, he shakes his head again. Is he trying to look cute? He failed at that.

"No, there is nothing to talk about. " he came closer and I keep backing away. Seeing his eyes it's making me terrible. I tripped on my own high wide pants. Taehyungs big arms got me before I could drop down.

"that's a proof you fell for me already."he gaze at me. I pushed him away, he laughs, I'm ready to get out of there. He grabbed me and lift me in bride style.

"Put me down!" He wasn't moving at all, only staring directly into my eyes.  I flew in his dark chocolate eyes. He starts walking. I shaked the feelings away and start hitting on his chest to put me down.

"Hush, they will hear us." he whispered calmly, I frowned and hit him once more with my fist.

"Put me down! Now, Taehyung!" I whisper back upset.

"I don't–" he stops moving, staring at me. "want to." he finished his sentence and walked again. In advance I don't speak he tightened his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest to keep my mouth shut. We reached to our room and he puts me on the bed slowly. Without saying anything he walks out again, leaving me dumbfounded. What did happen just now? His expression was something new. It's like, he was afraid of something. Still in a confusing state, I stood up again, staring at my reflection on the mirror.

"what is happening?" mumbling while staring at my ring. Indeed I'm his wife. But still, I'm still scared of him. I do fear someone like him. It's like I'm stuck alone and my breath is stuck in another place. But, if I stay, I might hear something about my parents. About all this thing on why it's happening to me. I hope I don't regret it.

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