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"what's wrong?" Yoongi asked looking at Jin who's deeply in thoughts. Jin sigh out loud.

"there is something you need to know. Do you have time now?" yoongi nods and sits beside him.

"this better be serious."

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before, I hope you don't get mad at me–"

"get to the point." Yoongi says. Jin glups before speaking.

"I found your–"

"Yoongi!" Jungkook cuts Jins words while running to them. Jin scoffs frustratedly. "I have waited enough. This is urgent!"

"speak. But make it fast, I have something I need to say too." Jin glares over at Jungkook. 

"I know your sister." Yoongi looks at him silently.

"well, at least he said it first." Jin speaks. Yoongi looks at him.

"you knew, too?"

"yeah." Jin says.

"Since when?" Yoongi gets up. He grabs Jins collar. "since when have you knowing this?! Tell me!" Yoongi lost it. He pushed him against the wall harshly. On the another hand, Jungkook was trying to stop him.

"Yoongi! Stop, let him breath!" Jungkook shouted , Yoongi realized what he was doing and let go immediately.

"I'm sorry..." Jins eyes soften.

"she has been here the whole time, Yoongi."  Yoongi took the files from Jungkook and ready to open them. He felt his hands shaking. It can't be who I'm thinking it is. He opened them and saw her pictures. He drops the files and blankly staring at his hands.

"she was so close to me. She was literally in front of me." he smiles. "she is beautiful like mother." would she be surprised to know I'm her brother? Or she already knows? I'm scared to meet her yet. His eyes were tearing from joy, he hides his face. He was smiling ear to ear. He looks at Jin and Jungkook. The idea that terrifies him is, his sister is the wife of Kim Taehyung knowing as the mafia beast. And knowing how Taehyung is, he didn't like it.

"how did you guys figure this out?" he asked.

" I saw your old favorite picture of you and her with your parents. I guessed it was her and tried to get more information and u guessed right." Jin says smiling. Yoongi nods and stares at Jungkook.

"at the bar when you showed me the picture. She was familiar and had to make sure if it was really her." Jungkook says it normally and very clearly.


"sir, we finally found it! Here!" the gurad gave the sick person two files about Yoongi and his sister. When he opens them and read all the details about them, He smirked.

"good you got it." he told his guard. "you better spy on them and tell me where they are."

"yes sir!" the guard bows.

"do not enter back here unless you have information, or else your life is taken by me."

"yes sir!"

Taehyung pov

"darn it!" This woman! I tried to chase after her, unfortunately I didn't make it. I called one of my guards.

" she ran away with my car. Try to track her as soon as possible!" I declined the call and caught up with taxi. She tricked me! I laughed unbelievably, shaking my head. She couldn't possibly have escaped for good, Right? She wouldn't do that. Even if she did, I would still find her.

Y/n pov

"can you belive I managed to get away from this Jerk?" I speak, staring down at my parents grave, letting tears fall.  I couldn't help it but chuckle. It was funny how I got away from his hand. Not my fault that he was careless. "I hope you are resting in peace." I put rose on mother's grave and walked away.

"Oh, my God! I was so worried about and didn't know how to contact you!" Granny was worried and hugged me tightly as I hugged her back.

"I miss you so much." I tell her.

"my dear." she says caressing my back gently. "me, too." She comes and sits beside me with two mugs of tea.

"as you know why I came here." I say, not staring at her eyes. "I want you to tell me what's going on exactly..." I say slowly. She holds my hand and squeeze it.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what is going on really. But there is something you need to know." she says. I look up to see her tears running. Without helping pushing my tears, I let them fall too.

"I don't know what to do anymore." I say, bowing my head on her lap. "this is all too much!" I cry out.

"I'm sorry." she hides her sob away.

"he was dead right there, in front of my eyes! Who would do such a thing!" I pleaded. She nods.

"I know..." she patted my back slowly while nodding. Namjoon contacted her and told her the news about her son on what happened. I can't imagine how she must have felt.

"I didn't expect it either." she tells me with her sorrowful tone.

"could it be because of me?" I say stopping breathing.

"No! Of course not." she squeeze my shoulder. I sit straight, facing her." don't think like that. Trust me, it's not you, dear." I nodded slowly. She wipes away some tears and breaths.

"remember when I said you have someone who is related to you?" I nod. "you have a brother, Y/n." she smiles. So Taehyung were right...

"Taehyung told me but I didn't believe him..."

"well, it's true. And, Maria..." she hesitated at first.

"what's wrong with my mom?" I ask.

"she is your biological mothers sister. She is your aunt."

The Beast [KTH X READER] ✔ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now