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"What? Really?" my eyes were surprised. She nods with a sad expression.

"you two look so alike, so beautiful." she stroke my hair slowly and stops. "of course you wanna hear more, right?" I nodded firmly.

"yes, please."

"She was a really great friend of Taehyungs mother, Soma. Soma was her name."

"Ah..." I was lost for words. "Is this for real? My mother and Soma are friends?!" she smiles as she nods and continues.

"however, they couldn't live perfectly. Something bad came up. Taehyungs Grandmother, Naomi despite them. She even threatened them, that's what I heard. I don't know what she threatened them with, but that made them be friends without anyone knowing."

"Ah... I see." I say nodding. So that's her true colour.

"I feel like their death was her planning. She probably send someone to do something to them since she has done it before." She whispers. Could she really be behind Moms death? I ask myself thinking. I need to find the truth immediately.

"done it before?" I left my eyebrows.

"yes, she killed some maid who worked for her. Either she hated them or they found her true self." I shake my head.

"she is horrible." I quietly say. Sana nods.

"Taehyung doesn't know her reality, poor him." she pleaded, looking at her hand. "I'm the only one that knows the truth. And I can't say anything about it, because I don't wanna die." her tears were showing. I moved in, giving her a hug. "that's how much I know." she sniffed.

"it's okay. It's enough." I whisper.

"there is just many secrets in this family." she says with her sad tone. Her tears streaming down again. After she was calm, I asked,

"why did Naomi hate My mother and Soma?"

"Ah, I don't really know." she shakes her head.

"so, my mom got involved with the Kim's family. They got killed for unknown reason." I say, making sure. She nods. "then, what about Taehyungs father?"

"Naomi hated him, too."

"but isn't he her own son?"

"that's the reason no one knows why. There is something not right. Everything is wrong in this family." I nodded, agreeing. "you need to be careful around her. Promise me that!"

"oh, she already did something awful." I chuckle. "she suddenly started speaking gibberish, not making sense and she acted like I pushed her. Taehyung thought it was me."

"oh, my lord. She is starting to put you on her target list!" Sanas worried expressions made me calm her down.

"she won't do anything...don't worry. I don't think Taehyung will even let her lay a finger on me." hopefully...

"I also think so." she says. I hugged her one last time before walking to the door.

"thanks for telling me all this, Lady Sana. I don't know what I could do without you." she smiles and I tell her goodnight. Before getting inside my room, I hear noises, like shouting, downstairs. The curious me closed the door and follow the stairs.

"No! No, RM! We cannot agree with him! If we did, it would all be ruined!" Jhope, knowing as Hoseok, shouts at Namjoon. If they all have a true name, why not using it? They always use their work name. I thought to myself when they all noticed me as I stepped out of the stair. I struggled with what to say. I see Taehyungs eyes on mine. My heart began to race with hot heats on my both cheeks.

"Ah, sorry, your argument were loud so I came to check... Alright goodnight." I say and ready to go when a hand grabbed mine. I turned around, excepting Taehyung, but no.

"No, stay. You can sit over there. It's alright." Yoongi? He never spoke to me, so why now? I would love to watch them how they work. But seeing Taehyung not giving me any signs if I could stay. I was about to say no when he dragged me on the couch beside, Taehyung. Taehyung was looking at Yoongi then back at me.

"please feel comfortable. We are all like that." he is really being weird right now. I nodded with a smile. He returned the smile. His smile is cute, though.

"okay! Back to the plan. As I said, plan B is not going to work out, Namjoon!" Hoseok continues to yell.

"no, no Hoseok. He is right. You just have to make it right! "

"what the hell, Jimin? You were the first to disagree with, Namjoon!?" I wanted to laugh at them so badly, but I hold it. I was wandering around when I noticed one is missing. Chan. I looked at Taehyung who was already looking at me. I was flushed, since he was so close.

" where is Chan?"

" he is sleeping, want something from him?" I shake my head.

"no, just asking. Since I haven't seen him for awhile." he nodded slowly, and was Called to go help them with the plans they were making. I again looked around seeing no Jungkook. Then I see him at the balcony. I stood up and walked toward him.

"Hey..." I greet. He turned his head quickly seeing who it was. "Can I join you?" he hummed and stares up at the night sky again. I walk slowly to his side. "can I ask you some–"

"go on." he replied fast without me finish the last word.

"why do you hate me so much?" he didn't say anything. "you are always cold towards me." I quietly say. He finally makes eye contact with mine, but that didn't last, he moves away. I grabbed his arm. "No. I will go now. Sorry for bothering." I let go of him, making my way out. He grab my wrist, startling me.


^make a wish when you see a star passing by. It's a beautiful moment. ^

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