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"Holy shit!" exclaimed Junghae as the mansion fell apart piece by piece. He wore a big smile.

"Aren't you sad that your home is being exploded?" I asked, now he focused on me.

"No, it's not my real home," he replied, winking. After the house was destroyed, only two things remained—Hyun and his wife.

"Taehyung! I'm going with you!" I declared, facing resistance from everyone. "Then where am I going to stay, hmm?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Here, inside this car," Mark said, pointing at it. Wait, is that Namjoon? Poor Namjoon, forgotten.

"Want some?" Namjoon offered me some chips. With nothing else to do, I accepted.

"They're going to be alright, right?" I asked, munching on chips.

"Of course! They are strong. We are strong, Y/n. Otherwise, why still work as mafia, right?" Namjoon pointed out. I nodded, chewing. "And hey, you love him, right?" he asked, making me pause.

"Yeah, I do," I replied, continuing to eat. Lowkey, he was smiling.

"That's good," Namjoon said. Let's not forget Jimin in the back seat, sleeping.

"Were you forced to work in the mafia?" I asked suddenly. He paused, thinking for a moment.

"well, you can say it like that. But half of it, yeah.
When you come from a poor family with very low money, you gotta do what you can do." He shrugged and I understood. "I approved this job because seeing my parents being helpless broke me." I was nodding to every words he was saying. "So yeah, half of us had that problem like me."

"I don't know who my parents are, though." We both flinched. We peek back. Jimin is awake. "I was a street boy who got bullied. A man came and stood in front of me, offered me a job no one can have from that town. He took me in and I lived with him. I don't regret working with Taehyung one bit." He smiles. "I met brothers with different blood." Jimin continues

"You know about Yoomgi right?" I nod.

Yoongi was being practised by father since he was young. Before everything had gone wrong. Then father took Yoongi to somewhere else, a training school when he met them all.

"Jungkook's family is unknown, but his father was so cruel,  he was about to kill his own son if someone hadn't saved him in time. Well, he killed his wife." I gasped. "Yeah, Jungkook's father was really, really brutal."

"that's terrible!" I say.

"His mother died on his birthday in front of his eyes. He was a kid. That's why Jungkook hates his birthday. After his mother's funeral, his father took him forcibly to where we were, School training. He took all the money and left him." my heart ached for him. For them all. "Oh right, let's not forgot about your lover, Taehyung." Jimin chuckles seeing my face lighten up.

"He was born to be a boss, so it's obviously. He was an obedient kid. All he grew up with was revenge. No childhood. But I just know after having us, he never was happier before. Trust me." We laugh at that. Jimin lay back down and closed his eyes.

"Everyone has their own story marked by scars, memories they never forget—choosing either to forget without forgiving or not to forget and forgive. Right?" I nod in agreement. He was correct. The night seems endless, but finally, the sun rises.

"I'm so tired, but I don't know if I should sleep," I said, uncertain.

"Hey, I promise I'll wake you up if anything happens, okay?" Namjoon assured. I thanked him and decided to sleep.


"Come on, Yoongi!" He was scared and nervous, awaiting his cousin's call. "Damn you, Yoongi!" He cursed him countless times, hiding in a place where discovery meant certain danger. Yoongi not answering the call means Chan has to leave alone and think of a plan.


The knocking on the window woke me up. Slowly opening my eyes, I tilted my head to see who it was. And I see Chan outside the car.

"Chan?!" Wide-eyed and properly seated, I let him inside the car. If he was Yoongi's cousin, then he was practically my family as well.

"Y/n! Thank God you finally woke up. Wake Namjoon now. And please if you got any water for me to drink. I'm so thirsty." I hurried to grab the bottle and give it to him. He was sweating. Shaking. And pale. I began shaking Namjoon. Jimin was awake too. Chan's breathing showed no signs of calming down.

"Thank you, thank you," he said, guzzling it down fast. I giggled at his actions. After a while, I shared that I knew Yoongi and some of the stories.

"That's very good to hear, Y/n," he said softly. Now he began to share something crucial. "Now..."


"Chan, stay here, and if you need anything, call me. Don't forget to call me immediately if you find out about their plan. Okay?" He hid inside a large black bag, fitting in it, within a room filled with the guards' teams. They infiltrated when no one was there, and Yoongi left him all alone. Scared yet wanting an 'action life story' in the future, he eventually heard their real plan.


"... And so their plan was to explode the mansion, kill Taehyung after he kills the one he needs to kill. I also heard soemthing very interesting, there is someone named Jeon Hanseyo, whom Baek Hyun is scared of. They want to kill him, but we need to go before they get to him. He is very powerful. And there's high chance he might help us! We. Need. Him. Now!" Namjoon, unsure of what to do, acknowledged Chan's urgency. Taehyung's grandpa feared this old dangerous man, and they were enemies since their youth days. Namjoon knew their story, and now everyone understood that only one of them was scared.

"Let's go then!" Jimin exclaimed, and I smiled at him, cheering.

"Let's go!"

The Beast [KTH X READER] ✔ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now