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Again we are here..the same cold building, the same screaming and crying all over, same cuts and bleeding everywhere ,and the same dissapointment..
Again, i am here with my grandma with a tiffin in her hand and hope in her eyes.
We may not have anyone sick in this hospital but the dissapointment is much bigger than anyone else.
"Get out of the way"
A black coat groups are rushing our way with a person covering his two eyes. He was covering his eyes and screaming ..he was wearing a fine silk shirt and pant but scrambled and messed up.
"Dr..dr" A lady is screaming all her lungs out..

From the way everyone is worried and escorting a man; he seems to be very popular. A celebrity??
The more closer they comes our way ; the more he looks familiar.
Is he really a celebrity? I cant see his eyes..A group of man are covering him..is he an actor? A criketer? I tried to squeezed a bit in between a sudeen crowd.
Is he a PM? Is he? Am i mistaken? i rubbed my eyes with my fingers just to be sure again.
He is a PM isnt he?
He is a PM thatsy they are so worried and making a fuss here but whats wrong with him? Why is he covering his eyes?
" doctor..." they screamed so loud that all the eyes were on them..
Then, suddenly all the doctors comes out.

" who is a doctore here? No, a best doctor.." she asked without taking a breath.
"Whats wrong" One of the dr asked her.
" He is the Prime Minister, Dr. Rawat khanchang . He dropped a chemical in his eyes so we want a best doctor to check him up" .
Everyone got surprised with the name of the PM ..
Then, dr carefully took PMs hand and check his eyes.
His steps are taken back. He got worried..
"The chemical has gone to the corner of his eyes.. i am afraid it might damage a cornea. We need to check him for further details and have to perform surgery as soon as possible".
" then , what u waiting for" another man shouts with annoyance.
All the doctors looked eachother for a while and finally the same doctor speaks off.
"The thing is this is too critical, all the seniors doctors are in brazil at the moment for seminar." He paused.
" even though we can perfrm surgeory but we can not be sure of anything and morever he is the PM , we can not risk him as a bit of complication can cause him vision loss in this case.
"Then, then bring me a best doctor of this country"
A Lady cried with her voice and hands shaken..she must be his daughter.

"This is the best hospital with the best doctors but... wait ..there is one person who can do it; " Dr. CHANDRA"
Yea he is my dad. He is known as the best surgeon in a country. Why wouldnt he be? He has spent all his life doing surgeries after surgeries as if he was born just for it. If there is a single thing he cares then, its his work. He never has time for anything or anyone else..not even have time to eat on time. From my rememberance, i have seen him eaten food at home. He always says he is too busy and will eat something later. Always the same excuses but its truth as well..Grandma always prepares the food and bring it here but have to return back with the same tiffin and same disspointment.

He looks at other doctors. They nodded in agreement
"Who is he? Bring him here then"
"If there is a person who can perform this surgery with 100% success result, then, its only him, but" he paused.
" but its 15th july today,"
"Its ..its" he couldnt utter any word..

15th july, I clearly remember this date but i never dared to ask my grandparents about it. Everyone is so obsessed with this date.They never says anything but i can see pain and sorrows in their eyes as if they have lost everything, as if they are just waiting for a miracle that they already missed..

" Whats the noise here" A man comes out. He looks around.

A Well grommed hair, well pressed shirt and white coat wd a steroscope on his neck ..not even a single folded line nor a drop of any stains.
He is non other than my dad.
He has been working from yesterday morning but his fresh looks and tidy dress seems like he has just started to work.. so clean and fresh.
Yea he is my dad whom i barely see at home, for whom my grandma brings lunch everytime and have to leave with the same dissapontment as yesterday as the previous days and days i hardly could remember to count.

" Dr. Chandra" Evryone greets him.
" Oh, So you are dr.Chandra?" The lady asked him.
" they said you are the only one who can do PM's eye surgery, but will not do today"
Before dad could say anything, doctor tried to explain him," Dr chandra its 15 july"
" So?" He raised his eyesbrows. " I am a
" so you can do right ?" Lady asked him again.
" Are you sure ? He is a PM.. if anything goes wrong then..."
" He is just a patient to me" he cut her off with signature dead voice. His beautiful clean cut looks could make anyone fall for him but his confidence in his work is remarkable
He then, looked at me, straight to my eyes.
" This operation is nothing ,compared to the one i have done before"
His eyes ..his eyes are so..it makes anyone lose balance on their own feet.

Grandma suddenly caressed my head. I looked at her. She was holding her tears. I could tell instantly because it has been there for decades.

" Lets go home" said, gradma.
I wanted to see more but i nodded as an agreement to go home. I didnt wanna make her sad.
We turn back to head home.
I looked around again.

This hospital is so cold. But it cant be compare to that stare of my dad..his eyes ..his eyes are more colder than any glacial. There was so much pain in his eyes. I can see it, i can feel it whenevr he looks directly into my eyes. It makes me nervous, afraid and worry at the same time. His eyes are holding so much pain. Everyone was screaming with pain here and there but nothing could measure his silent pain

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