My feelings

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When chandra came back into his room, he saw the back of Aakash, scanning each picture of him in the room, holding one bottle of beer in his hand.

Chandra's heart started to throb when Aakash suddenly looked at his pictures. Nobody has ever looked his pictures in his room. There was so many pictures of him.
From a photo where three years old chandra was on the floor with large volume of tears flowing in his eyes and mucus in his  nose to where he won all the prizes in his college days.
Chandra was never a person who shares his life so openly; it was his mother who likes to caged every single memories of her him in the frame.

When Aakash looked at his photos, he felt like he was reading every single page of his life.

"What would he say about me ? What would he think? "  it's so embarrasing.

Aakasnsha, sanjay and Binay was also his friends and so many friends came into his room however they never looked at his pictures like the Aakash was looking.

His cheeks started to get hot and his hand got sweaty. At that moment, he wished nothing but Aakash to stop looking at his photos like that.

" You were cute when you were young" said Aakash without even looking back. He knew Chandra was right behind him. He could feel his warmth.

Chandra couldn't utter any word. He just followed Aakash looking at his own picture.

" You were a nerd, don't you?" Asked Aakash again. " look at all this prizes and trophies. Are you even real?"

Chandra couldn't even say NO as he had never done anything apart from studying. He had never hang out with his friend neither lived a stupiedly memorable teenage life nor had any love dramas. It was his mother who used to celebrate his birthday by calling all his classmates without even letting him know. He was always either in his room studying or just following his mother.

Because of his calm nature and good studies he was everyone's favorite in his family and neighbourhood. He was an ultimate example of a good child among everyone.

When Aakash was looking at his prizes, he felt like those prizes were telling him all his secrets. All the prizes were only related to studies. Even though he had so many prizes for class or school topper, he never had any prizes for sports or any extra curriculum.

Aakash turned back and looked at Chandra with his sharp eyes and took a long sighed.

Just when Chandra was struggling with his embarrasment, he remembered the words that little girl said"  Dr. Aakash has a girlfriend".

Chandra sat lightly on the edge of his bed and looked at Aakash. He bite his lips. He hold his own hands very tightly to control himself.

After thinking through carefully, he closed his eyes and asked" Do you have a girlfriend?"

Aakash widened his eyes and stared at him in utter confusion. Aakash was dumbfounded by this kind of sudden question.

In his soft and low voice, Chandra said again, " i thought we were friends but you didn't tell me anything."

Without even moving, Aakash looked at Chandra's photo and replied" I don't have any."

" How can he lie to me" after throwing those words, he wasn't expecting that in answer. May be he doesn't want to share about it or may be i am not his friend.

"But Neha said you have a girlfriend." Said again in his flat tone.

" i didnt say i have a girlfriend. I just said i might have a feelings for someone."

" ah umm that means ...??"

" that means that person doesn't know." Aakash  then took one of his picture frame on his hand and kept moving moving forward.

" you.. Dont you wanna confess? Chandra asked again.

Aakash halted on his steps.
" No"

" ...why?"chandra asked immediately.

Aakash looked at the picture on his hand for awhile and then put it back on the table. " because that person is out of my league."

Chandra scoffed and looked disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? That person is out of your league? Why? Is she a model? An Actress? Or president? " he continued.

Aakash just laughed at his dumb questions.

"I am sure even president would date him." Chandra murmurred.

" is she? That even Dr. Aakash thinks she is out of his league?

Having heard all that, Aakash did nothing but just took a long breath and sat on the side of Chandra.

" ummmmm.... " Aakash looked up at ceiling to find the right words" that person is very different"

Chandra tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.
" Different?" How so? " Is she cute? Hot? Sexy? Beautiful?

Hearing that, Aakash couldn't helped but smile then took a beer from the side table and took two three sips again " umm....that person is very innocent"

" innocent?" Is that even a word to describe someone? And how can being innocent be related to out of league?

" that person is so pure, innocent that loving that person feels like a crime. " Aakash continued, after taking few more sips of beer.

Chandra looked at Aakash's beer and then looked at his red small tipsy eyes. Chandra couldn't understand anything and it was more fraustrating for him.

He kept looking at Aakash.

Aakash was smiling but he noticed a slight pain in his eyes. He knew it in that moment, that Aakash was already in love with that person.

Chandra, all of a sudden felt uneasy, then took the beer from Aakash's hand and drank it.

He coughed as soon as he took the first sip of the beer.
Aakash patted his back immedietely "cough. Cough more." "oh my god! You haven't even drank before."

" you were drinking like its so good. How can you drink this? " said Chandra with tears flowing from his cheeks.

The tipsiness that Aakash got from the beer got out of his body after seeing Chandra like that.

Aakash just smiled at him " it doesn't taste good. It just make you feel good."

Chandra needed to feel good too therefore without saying anything, he closed his eyes and drank more sips of the beer.

Aakash took the beer from his hands " that's not how you drink. Just take it slowly.

" okay" said chandra and drank one more sip.

Aakash just shook his hands and opened another beer and drank it.
Without saying anything , they kept on drinking. They both were lost in their own thoughts.

" tell me more about that person"  chandra broke the silence.

Aakash was again little tipsy and was swimming in his deep emotions. "that person ...that person has different world than mine. ..i don't know it just...i am just ...happy like this. That person will never like me back."

Hearing that, Chandra was also getting emotional.
Who is that person who doesn't even love person like Aakash.

Chandra sipped his beer again" You are young, smart, good looking,kind hearted, good education, good career. You just just have everything that a person ever wants. How can not anyone like you?" Chandra said in fraustration.

" i wish that is what all matters" said Aakash in a very soft voice. Almost like a whisper.

Chandra was bit blurry, almost wasted, as it was his first time drinking two bottle of beers. When he looked at the face infront of him; he felt tightness in his heart seeing Aakash like that; then, he slowly placed his left hand on Aakash' right hand.

The tighter he held his hand, the tenser Aakash's body became, and the harder he struggle to stop his loud heartbeat. Then, Chandra leaned slowly towards Aakash, and the more he leaned close to him, the more heated Aakash body got but before Chandra leaned any more closer his eyes got blank.

Aakash stopped breathing when Chandra's head suddenly landed on his shoulder.

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