Ch-13 His girlfriend

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After letting neha eat her porridge, Aakash leaned closer to Chandra and said, " Dr. Chandra . I have a meeting with seniors now. Could you please look after her? You are on a break right?"

Chandra slightly bend on his side and looked at Aakash. Aakash was leaning closer to Chandra as if going to whisper in his ears but it was just a simple request and loud enough to be heard by neha. He could  have said it without the needs to lean towards him.

" yea. Don't worry, i will be with her"

"Thanks. Actually i could asked a nurse to look after her but she is too naughty. I am afraid they couldn't handle her" Aakash teased neha  while pinching her nose.

" i am not. It's just  them who are too boring"  She defended herself with a pouty face.

"But i guess you won't be bored with Dr. Chandra. Right?" 

" I won't. He is handsome just like you" she cheekily said and hugged Chandra so close. Her smile extend to her eyes beaming a pure happiness.

" Okay okay i got it." Aakash chuckled at her answer " But  don't be naughty okay? You can not ask him  to take you out of this room. "

" okay."

" okay bye. I will see you later" Aakash caressed her hair and looked at Chandra" i will be back soon"

Chandra  nodded with his signature tendure smile.

" Dr. Aakash"
Aakash was just about to opened a door when Chandra called him.

He turned back. Chandra bit his lips and walked in a slow pace towards Aakash; awkwardly.

"Ummm.. Actually, Dr. Aakash can you put me in neha's case? "

Aakash  looked at him with his sharp eyebrows " But Dr.Sanjay is handling this case with me Dr. Chandra. You got other more important case with you."

" i know but i want to handle her case too. "

" I can't change the duties Dr. Chandra. And why do you want this case?"

" i don't know..may be i feel connected with  her..or.."he paused for a second " or may be i want to work with you" he looked down saying the last sentence in a low voice, as if mumbling to himself but fortunately, or unfortunately, Aakash clearly heard him.

"Please Dr. Aakash" Chandra looked up bitting his lips, requested with his round pleading eyes.

Aakash heavily sighed.  He so wanted to work with him as well however, he couldn't and would never change the duty favouring anyone . It was against his principle but Chandra was standing infront of him looking absolutely adorable with pleading eyes. How could he say no to those eyes. How could a 24 years manly man looks so soft infront of him. 

Aakash sighed again. He knew Chandra has his way to his heart to persuade anything.

He looked at him and closed his eyes for a second, "Please. Don't  look at me like that. It makes me so...

Chandra looked at Aakash being confused, " makes you what?"

Aakash opened his eyes and looked deeply in Chandra's eyes" it makes me want to bring the world to your feet."

Aakash instantly regretted what he said in his mind. How could he speak without thinking.
Brace yourself Aakash.

Chandra's cheeks immediately  heated up after hearing that. Chandra's blush seared through his cheeks; not only his cheeks but his whole face turned red and for a minute he thought his face was on fire. He  suddenly felt awkward, demure, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide his rosy features behind his long fingers in his black silky hair.

Did he listened wrong? He kept asking himself for a few seconds.

Nobody has ever said anything like that to him, not even in jokes.

" because you look more like a baby than neha. Seeing her face, i can hardly say no to her. It makes me want to fulfill all her wishes" Aakash immediately added words and laughed to avoid awkwardness.  He was afraid that Chandra would feel awkward by his words and call him crazy.

""ohh..!!" Chandra immediately turned his gaze to other side to avoid his absolute dissapointment in his face.

He wasn't expecting anything but still...

" its okay if you can't. I can ...spend time with her after duty" those rosey cheeks was extinguised. His eyes moved slower and more down-cast, skimming the floor, rarely raising to eye level.

Aakash knew something went wrong in just few minutes. He could clearly see the changes in Chandra's face and in his voice too. He did corrected himself but why still.? Chandra is always calm and soft but not too slow when speaking.

"Okay, so..See u later?"

Chandra just smiled flatly and went back to
neha, leaving Aakash dumbfounded at doors.

Chandra then sit back to his seat.

" So, are you gonna be my doctor too?" Neha asked with her sparkling eyes.

" i am not sure." He looked back at door but Aakash was already gone.

(May be he over reacted earlier. Aakash was right. How can he to change his duty just because he asked him. He is senior here. He has his own duty and responsibility. He should apologize later. )

He looked at Neha and smiled softly " Even if i can't  be your doctor, i can still be your brother"

Neha immediately scrunched her nose as if in the verge to cry" so, you have girlfriend too?"

" huh?"

"I proposed to Dr. Aakash but he said he has someone he likes so he can only be my brother. Do you have girlfriend too? That is why you want me to be your sister right?" Neha asked in her low voice; looking down at her palm.

As soon as he heard that sentence, he felt uneasy at his heart. He breathed hard like his heart was suffocating  inside his own chest.

He moved closer to Neha. His lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way out of his mouth. " Dr. Aakash  has girlfriend?"

Neha looked at Chandra's face and nodded.

His heart weighed heavy in a way that he could hardly control it. It was the first time, he felt uneasy uneasy. 

So he has a girlfriend?

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