Chapter 9

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Logan's POV
I hugged the sheets of my bed, trying to slow my breathing, waiting for the sound of a familiar knock.
Three taps on the door,  Virgil.
"Woah, bad one tonight?" He asked, I nodded.
"Fuck emotions." I muttered bitterly.
"Wow, never knew you liked Patton that way." He teased.
"That's not what I meant- Oh you're joking." I realized.
He sat next to me, a now familiar nervous feeling filled my stomach, I remembered what Deceit said, your favorite. Ugh, that sounded like a child picking an ice cream flavor, Virgil's not an item.
"Hey, so I know that this sucks and all, but not all emotions are bad." He said.
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, they might not be, but I'd rather feel none then whatever shithole my life is right now. I mean seriously, what good can come out of emotions? It just make things more complicated, clouds the basic statistics and facts. What even are good emotions, because I haven't felt them, all I've felt was panic, worry, stress, and-"
I was interrupted.
And I was kissing him back.
And holy hell it felt good.
He stopped, "How's that for a good emotion." He said with a smirk.
"Y-You won that argument." I stuttered out, fragments of thoughts that exploded connected together again slowly, my brain learning how to function again.
He handed something to me, a hoodie, I couldn't see it clearly in the dark.
"Wear it, it'll help you calm down, you need it more than me now."
And he was gone.
I blinked, once, twice.
"What the fuck just happened?" I whispered to my self.
I looked down at the hoodie, feeling it, it was weighted, like those weighted blankets to help you calm down, smart. I pulled it on, it smelled like him, I hugged it around myself, my eyes drooping.
Good... emotions...

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