Chapter 32

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Author's Note- Hey so I just wanted to thank you guys, your comments are really encouraging and you guys are all super nice. I'm really glad people are enjoying this book so I just wanted to say thanks so yeah, back to your regular scheduled fanfic!
Logan's POV
I looked over at Virgil, who was currently on top of the stone bridge, signaling him to send a text to Remy to see if he was in position. A few seconds later he responded with a nod, Remy was in position.
"Heyyyyyyy! Roman! C'mere I got some pipping hot tea, sis!" Remy called, and casually skated backwards towards the bridge, leaning casually inside of it once he got there.
"Oooooh, do tell!" Roman replied, skating over.
"Patton! You want in on this?" Remy asked.
"I'm more of a hot cocoa fan but sure!" Patton said excitedly, following Roman.
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Wait for- NOW!
I signaled Virgil, who immediately dropped a certain plant tied to the bridge right in front of Patton and Roman.
"Oh, there's where the mistletoe went." Patton said, poking it so it swayed into Roman's face. "Wait... does that mean we have to kiss?"
Roman's face turned red.
"Uh... No! I mean yes! I mean... do you want to?" He stuttered.
"Awww kiddo, do you have a crush on me?"
"What? No! I mean... uhhh..."
"Road work ahead?" Virgil called.
"Uh yeah, I sure hope it does!" Remy called, nudging Roman just the perfect amount.
Both Patton and Roman has a look of surprise on their face, but they couldn't exactly say anything... because they were making out.
Now frankly I'm trying to think of the perfect simile to describe Roman's face right now but I doubt anything will encompass both the absolute shock, betrayal, and embarrassment that it is currently depicting, which is why I was on camera duty.
Five pictures, four for photoshop, one to duplicate and photoshop some more.
Patton final recovered from the shock (Roman still pending) and got "not mad just disappointed" at Remy for shoving again, giving Virgil enough time to sneak back to me.
He gestured to the camera in my hand, "Got the weed?"
"I have no idea why I let you and Remy refer to the blackmail as 'weed'" I sighed.
"That's a yes right?"
We looked over to Patton and Roman, Patton has a sad expression on his face and started sulking towards us.
"I'm worried this whole Early Christmas wasn't such a good idea." He said reluctantly, looking over at Virgil apologetically, "Roman won't talk to me because he's embarrassed and Remy keeps shoving people. I just wanted us to have a fun time but now..." He gestured to Roman (still non-responsive) and Remy (Sitting in the snow sipping a Frappuccino), sighing.
I looked over at Virgil, feeling guilty, after all, Patton didn't exactly do anything to us. I watched as he considered something and made a decision.
"Wait, do you like Roman?" He asked.
"Well, yeah." Patton said.
"No, I mean like, would you date him."
Patton considered this, he smiled, a wishful look crossed over his face. "Would I..." He said quietly.
"So go ask him on a date!" Virgil encouraged.
Patton blinked, "I guess it really is that simple isn't it." He grinned, "Why not? The worst that can happen is I get hopelessly rejected and my heart is crushed!"
"...Yeah." Said Virgil, slightly less encouraging.
He rushed over to Roman (Now semi-responsive) like an excited puppy.
"Well that should turn out nicely." I shrugged.
"Yeah no shit that was way to easy." Virgil said.
"So now that the prank is over..." I said reluctantly, knowing Virgil wouldn't be the happiest about me bringing this up again, "It's about time I confronted Deceit."

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