Chapter 31

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Logan's POV
To be honest, I was only 60% sure if Remy was actually there or not. But damn it was satisfying to be right. I wonder if this is how Sherlock feels when he solves a case...
Remy sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Girl, can't you have even a little bit of fun?"
"How- how did you even know?" Virgil asked.
"You use the filler word 'uh' a lot when you're lying, I caught a glimpse of Remy's text and you glanced at the bush a total of 15 times while we practiced skating."
Virgil looked down, embarrassed.
"Okay so what deal did you force him into, Remy?" I asked.
Remy looked smug, "Technically... deal's still on, and you can't make me tell you! Sooo... Virgil? Are you gonna finish your end?"
Virgil glared at him, "Fuck you." He turned to me, "Remy wanted me to kiss you."
"And you agreed!" Remy shot back.
You have to be emotionless, you have to be emotionless, you have to be emotionless.
"How about a formal contract for this deal?" I offered, that was more familiar territory for me.
"Yaaaawwn." He literally said yawn... he's the metaphorical embodiment of sleep. Why me? Why?
"So, you can not disclose any events or actions seen here by you to any other sides." I said, imagining the contract into existence, "You agree not to share the information given to you after this with Roman, and no filming or photography of any sort shall take place."
"Or what?"
"Or..." I looked over to Virgil for help.
"We own your soul?" He offered
"Bold of you to assume I have a soul." Remy retorted, a snarky expression on his face.
"Ah yes, a philosophical question as old as... well, philosophy."
"Or Logan gets to lecture you on the importance of a healthy sleep schedule!" Virgil bursted out.
Remy's look of snark turned into a look of horror, "Fine! I agree to the terms and conditions, or whatever! Just please not another lecture!"
"Sign here." I handed him the contract.
Remy quickly glanced over it and signed.
"So what do I get out of this?" He asked.
"What you originally proposed you would. Unless Virgil doesn't consent." I said simply.
Virgil muttered something under his breath that vaguely sounded like "...course...consent..."
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing!" He was blushing.
"So you still have to kiss?"
"Yes." I clarified.
"Well... are you going to?"
"So like now or?"
"Okay I'm done with this." Virgil interrupted us, grabbing the collar of my shirt and kissing me.
"Ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship!" Remy squealed.
I blinked, once, twice.
"Well..." I said, talking a lot slower than before, "Now you help us with our plan."

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