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— AS BOTH BOYS WALK INTO THE HISTORY CLASSROOM, the students were in shock yet again, as was the teacher for some reason.
From the whispers Anthony had heard, he assumed it wasn't just him but Jasper as well. It seemed like Jasper and Alice didn't associate well with people. Which made Tony wonder why exactly Alice had approached him in the first place. Though he couldn't quite complain, he was thankful to have her through his first day at a new high school. Especially when he couldn't stand to be in the same room as his sister.
The idea of Isabella made his head hurt. He loved his sister endlessly but if she was angry with him because he was sick, what was he supposed to do about it?
The history teacher stood from her desk and smoothed down her pencil skirt, obviously going to approach the two boys at the doorway
For a moment, Anthony was nervous that he was going to have to do that stupid 'introduce yourself to the class' thing. He could easily come off as rude or aggressive when put on the spot and that was not something he wanted Jasper to witness.
Grabbing his oxygen tank back from the blond, Tony gestured for him to find his seat. Jasper gave him a glance and then made his way to the back of the class.
"Hi, you must be Anthony Swan, I'm Ms Garish and I'll be your history teacher for this semester." The middle aged woman greeted, placing a textbook in his hand. Tony just smiled lightly, trying his best to be polite. Then she addressed the students in their seats, who were muttering back and forth to each other.
"Now, I'd like you to warmly welcome Anthony Swan to our history class. He's just arrived from Arizona!"
Tony did cringe this time, against his will. But it was just the way Garish said it. As if Arizona is the most interesting thing about him.
"Anthony do you have anything to say to the class?"
Looking around the oddly lit classroom, his eyes caught every single pair who had their heads together, no doubt gossiping about him.
"Yeah I'd just like to get any questions out of the way before someone starts assuming my illness." Tony stated casually shrugging his shoulders. A few hands shot up.
"Why do you have that nose thing?"
Ms Garish herself looked offended as she glared at the girl that spoke with a ferocious gaze. Her name suited her in that moment.
"It's called a nasal cannula. You may not have one but they're pretty common." Anthony could feel his naturally bitter tone coming out full force in his voice but at this point he could care less, he figured in any case he might as well get over the questions early on and let Forks' trusty gossiping system do it's work.