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i. loss of breath !


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BY THE TIME MONDAY ROLLED AROUND ANTHONY WAS ECSTATIC TO GET TO SCHOOL. Which is something he didn't find himself thinking very often. What would be the reason?

Why, the Cullens of course.

And, yet again, he desperately wanted to get away from his sister.

However, he was slapped by a sweaty and disgusting heat flash.

Running a fever, he'd felt extremely under the weather that Monday, so Charlie made him stay home and tried to call in to work sick to stay with him.

Anthony insisted Charlie just go to, knowing his father needed the pay check and that he'd much rather be there.

So Tony stayed in bed, texting Alice back and forth all day. He even got a selfie of the Cullen clan (minus Edward) as an afternoon greeting. The Swan Boy quickly saved the photo to his camera roll.

He watched out his window, with two fans pointed at him as sheets of rain covered the ground, the cold air solidifying it into ice.

He watched out his open bedroom door when Bella came home and rushed into her room.

He simply watched when Bella whisked past again, deciding to go grocery shopping. A likely excuse to use when you don't want to be in the house.

He watched when Emmett's Jeep pulled up in the driveway, popping out a cheery looking Alice with an amused Jasper trailing behind.

They'd brought him some of Esme's homemade soup. Once the motherly woman heard her kid's friend wasn't feeling well, she jumped on the opportunity to cook.

Alice had jumped on the opportunity to bring it to him and Jasper just jumped on the opportunity to see Tony again.

Tony really didn't want Jasper to see him in such a sickly state, but it was really nice to see him. Especially when the first thing Jasper did, was put a cold hand to the sick boy's forehead, which was a welcome relief.

He'd sat up, leaned against the headboard as Alice placed the container of soup on his bedside table then climbed over beside him, leaning against the wall. Jasper took up the computer chair and rolled it closer to the bed.

They chatted for ages. Well, Alice chatted while Tony and Jasper smiled and nodded along or pitched in here and there.

Then they left, and Anthony finished off the soup before falling asleep.

Surprisingly, he slept without any issues and he'd sweat out the fever by morning. Heat flashes happened often with him but they always just came and went, weakening his systems and making him green and then leaving the next day.

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