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i. let's dance !

— WITH BELLA FINALLY WAKING, the Cullens and Swans were free to go home

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WITH BELLA FINALLY WAKING, the Cullens and Swans were free to go home. Anthony got in the clear, with a warning not to expel his energy too much again.

Bella got a cast around her broken leg. It was dark and clunky, and made hollow noises as it stepped against the ground or wooden boards in their house.

Danny had left Forks with teary goodbyes- heading for London, England. Liv went back home, with the promise that she would try to get better. For herself, this time.

Everything was okay. If only for a second.

"It looks stupid." Bella groaned.

"Okay- Bella? Honey? That's kind of an asshole thing to say to the brother that just did your hair and makeup- it looks fuckin' awesome for someone with no experience whatsoever."

"No- I mean..." She paused, looking down past her dark blue dress at her foot cast. "It's so- big."

Anthony snorted slightly, "That's what he said."

"Oh my god, Anthony." Bella groaned.

"That's what he said too." He laughed, pinning back a piece of Bella's hair.

"When was the last time you even saw your boyfriend?" She asked.

"Hey! We're seeing each other tonight after prom! I'm staying over at the Cullens so we can have some time together." Tony defended, picking up the curling iron again, trying to make it look perfect. "Now shut up or I'll burn you." He smiled sweetly into the mirror for Bella to see.

"Oh, har har." Bella mockingly laughed before going quiet and just watching Anthony work away at her hair.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what happened at the hospital with Mom?" The woman asked quietly, trying not to move around too much.

By the look on her brother's face, she knew she shouldn't push it.

"I'll tell you when you're older." He smiled, kindly and real, into the mirror.

It wasn't really the thing she wanted to hear, this Anthony knew, but he also knew that in Bella's eyes their mother was the best thing to ever happen to her. He didn't want to ruin that picture by just slathering a big ball of 'bitch' on it.

"Okay, I think that's about as good as you're gonna get." He unplugged the iron and set it off to the side, picking up a bottle of hairspray and dousing his sister's hair so much that it would probably catch fire should any heat come into contact with it.

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