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— ANTHONY WAS RATHER GLAD HE'D TAKEN EDWARD'S ORDER TO HEART AND PUT ON HIS SEAT BELT. Especially when the Cullen whipped the car into ongoing traffic. Tony got jostled around quite a bit, but nothing too bad.
"I should go back, and rip those guys' heads off." Edward growled, glaring at the road.
Isabella was turned in her seat to look at him, her eyes widening in shock as she tried to come up with something to say.
"Uh, no, you shouldn't." She stated as if it should be obvious.
But if you do, Tony thought, he was beginning to understand how Edward's mind reading worked, how's about we take the stupid child lock off my doors and I pop out just to strangle them with my tubing?
Edward glanced at him in the rear view mirror and let out a coughed laugh when he saw Tony adjusting his nasal prongs with a smirk.
Deciding to move on from that so Bella wouldn't get too suspicious, Edward turned his attention to the road.
"You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking." Edward scowled.
"And you do?" Bella asked.
Anthony figured now was the time to speak up, "With people like that, it's not hard to guess."
Edward looked at Tony through the rear view mirror yet again, a moment of understanding coming between them. Bella shouldn't know about this yet.
"Can you talk about something else? Distract me so I won't turn around." The Cullen asked.
Tony knew in that moment there was no time for jokes. Edward had explained how difficult self control could be for a vampire and desperately didn't want Bella, or himself for that matter, to see what a vampire without discipline was really like.
Anthony leaned forward and placed a hand on Edward's shoulder. The bronze haired boy sent him a grateful look.
"Just- you should put your seat belt on." Isabella pointed out, noticing the lack of material on his chest when she glanced at Tony's hand.
Edward laughed and Bella looked confused.
"Bells, maybe you should put your seatbelt on." Tony chuckled.
Edward proceeded to pass other cars on the road as fast as was legal, obviously trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and those disgusting frat boys.
— ISABELLA HAD LET EDWARD KNOW WHICH RESTAURANT THEY WERE PLANNING ON GOING TO, once the Cullen had calmed down and slowed to a regular driving pace.