Chapter 1.Nanbakas Angel

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It's been a week since they brought me here, and so far it's been quite and, lonely in this little cell of mine... I mean all I had to look at were plain, Grey boring old walls along with a small bed in the corner of the cell. I could always ask Seitarou or the other guards and see if they'd let me to join their building. Ya right if that woman knew any better she'd never let me near the other inmates and guards... or would she be that stupid?

As lunch time rolled around I heard loud foot steps down the dark hallway, so I got up to see a young guard with beautiful deep pink eyes and light blue hair, he wore his usual bright smile as he stood at the door of my cell. " Hello, inmate 39! " He said brightly. " I've brought you your lunch today. " He moved closer to the door to unlock it, as he did, so I moved to the side so he could get in. " Is there anything else you need me to get you before I leave? "

I looked up at him and smiled softly at him " hey Seitarou, I was wondering if you could ask the warden to move me to a cell with other inmates? It gets lonely here all alone with no one to talk to. " I laughed as I leaned my back onto the bars of the cell " Im sorry inmate 39, but you know she probably wont allow that. " He said as he gently sat the food down on a small round table. He smiled at me again and said. " I'm sure it doesn't hurt to ask though, I'll see what I can do for you in 39. "

I jumped up in joy and hugged him gently " thank you, Seitarou, you're the best. " I said happily, He jumped a bit, not at all expecting me to hug him. As soon as I let him go he made his way out of the cell and closed the door behind him as he waved goodbye " Bye bye Seitarou. " I smiled as I watched him leave.

It's sad to say this but, Seitarou is really the only guard I even care to know in this hell hole of a jail, He's also the only one I can manipulate into getting me things I ask for, but Hajime on the other hand just pissed me off every time he comes to check on me, he always had to refer to me as a mistake or, a good for nothing kid in that stupid and annoying tone he always has.

Although I can't believe that Seitarou would even be able to work with such an angry gorilla 24/7, He's such a sweetheart to me and tries to be nice to the other inmates, but what he's told me they like to pick on him because he's considered a " pretty boy " in nanba prison.

But yet another long and, Boring week has passed since I've asked Seitarou to ask the warden for me to be transferred into a cell with others. He did come by and told me that she actually said yes! I was told that I would be moved into cell 13 tomorrow with four other inmates, I was a bit anxious, but I was also kinda excited to meet the new inmates and to see what they were cable of doing after all the things I've heard much about them.

My name is Angel, I also know as an inmate 39. I was brought in due to my power going wild along with the multiple people I've killed due to it. Do I regret my choices of allowing my powers to act out this way? Of course, I don't.After all I know to be an Angel with dark secrets.

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