Chapter 9.flash to the past

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*This chapter will be quite long because it takes place in Angels childhood, now I will say that there are things that may upset some of the readers contains abuse and gore so, do not read if you know it will effect you in anyway! and no that pic is not angel nor is it my art*

I was adopted when I was only three with another boy named Toby, who is going to be my new younger brother. I had a good life until it slowly went down due to money issues.

I was eight when my parents were told that I had asthma, which resulted in them hating me more than they did already due to the expense, and that they did not have enough money.

The " discipline " had gotten worse each day, more beating, more kicks, more smacks, and more pain for me that would last days as they turn a greenish, purple bruise.

Luckily I wasn't alone most of the time while I was locked up, I had my younger brother, Toby, which happen to be my parents' favorite child. He was always nice to me though, he'd bring me food from which he had hidden in his pockets.

We did have different " rooms " and things we were aloud to do, like Toby had a nice big room with a light sky blue wall and bed with a dark blue cover on the other hand, had to sleep in a dog house. Now it doesn't sound bad, but I wasn't aloud to have blankets, or even a pillow.

The worst part about my childhood was when my dad came home drunk. He'd always yell at my mother which led to fighting and me in the middle trying to break it up, it was no use I would always get hurt by getting slapped or even cut deep.

One day I finally snapped and I could hear them fighting downstairs from Toby's room so, I walked downstairs and yelled at them to shut up for once, which wasn't a good idea my dad had made his way over to me slowly while my mother went back to muttering under her breath.

When he got over to the steps he had quickly pushed me back onto the stairs and began to beat me up to the point where my mom had to pry him off of me. I could hardly breathe as I watched my parents disappear with the car.

I finally blacked out from the blood I was losing, and after a couple minutes I had woken up in Toby's room. He was sitting on the floor as he patched up cuts and bruises while I was lying on the bed.

" We need to run... " I muttered.

The look of worry crossed his face.
" They'd kill you if you stepped foot out of the door. "

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