𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?

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𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?

"I messaged him like 18 times but he wont answer them. He hasn't even read any." Jungkook was complaining as I walked over to the table to meet the group.

"Ah, Yoongi." Namjoon stood up to greet, "Have you heard from Tae?"

"Umm, no." It wasn't a really a lie, was it?

"He hasn't been respoding to any of us." Jimin said, worry laced in his voice.

"Oh, well I haven't heard from him at all today." I sat down.

"Maybe... maybe we're dwelling too hard on this." Jungkook said taking a sip of his drink, "He could just be in one of his moods today."

Everyone nodded in agreement, hoping for what he said to be true.

"I-I think we should go check on him." I said and everyone turned to me, "It just feels off."

"I think we should go to his apartment then." Namjoon said, "It's better to be safe than sorry."

Every got up and followed Jin to his van, Namjoon stayed back for a little bit to get things organized before he left. Soon we were pulling out of the parking lot and going to Tae's apartment.

The sun was setting and he turned the sky to a pink and orange color. Jin had the windows down half way and the wind roughly blew in as he sped through the streets. The van was quiet only the sound of the wind and the muffled sound of cars passing.

Before I knew we pulled into the parking lot of The complex.

Everyone was quiet before Jin unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Let's go."he opened his door.

We followed and got out. I lagged behind, unsure of what would happen. We rode the elevator in a silence that made me very uncomfortable. Jungkook was holding Jimin's hand that was shaking. Namjoon was staring at Jin who wouldn't lift his eyes from the ground.

Everyone jumped when they elevator dinged, the doors opened, showing us a new feeling of fear and uncertainty. Jin was the first to walk out, everyone hesitantly followed behind. Jin paused in front of a door. He slowly raised his hand before knocking.

It was quiet.

He knocked again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

"TAEHYUNG!"he yelled knocking louder.

"Hold on,"Namjoon pulled Jin's arm back before he could bang on the door again, "we could ask the desk for a key."

"Okay." Jin looked at us before looking at Namjoon, "Okay let's go."

He pulled Namjoon back to the elevator leaving us by the door. I leaned on the wall and took a deep breath. Jimin pressed his ears to the door.

A phone started ringing. Just look reached in pockets before answering.

   "Jin?"his face contorted into a shocked expression, "O-okay."

   "What happened?" Jimin asked.

   "They said that Taehyung had been in the process of moving out for a week now ."Jungkook looked between Jimin and I, "All his stuff is already gone."

"What?" Jimin panicked, "Where could be possibly be without telling us?"

"Jimin, calm down. It won't help if we panic. Let's just go downstairs to see what Jin and Namjoon are going to do."

Jimin nodded and reached for Jungkook's hand, who happily took it, even giving it a reassuring squeeze. We went down the way we came before seeing the others at the entrance.

"Jin, what are we going to do?" Jungkook asked picking up his pace to meet the two.

"The best we could do right now is inform the police."Jin said and looked at Namjoon for confirmation, "We could drive to the station now."

Everyone nodded then we followed along.

Before we reached the car my phone vibrated and deep inside I knew what it was, who it was. And I was scared. More scared than I have been in a very long time.

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