𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥

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𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥.

     We were sitting at the police station Jin and Namjoon were talking to the officer at the desk. I couldn't think of anything they had to tell them. If anyone had information on anything it would be me. But I'm too scared to bring up anything... at least this late in time.

     My phone rested in my jean pockets, burning my skin. It felt so much heavier than it did before. A migraine was racking my head and I was quite parched. There's a water foutain a far shot to the right of me, but it doesn't seem like I could make it over there. But I'm sure a sip of water would make me feel much, much better.

     I stood up, taking a few steps and already feeling light headed and woozy. I stopped for a moment before spots took over my vision and I felt myself tipping forward.

~    ^    ~

     Waking up my eyes opened to extremly bright lights and I shut them again. I still heard a bunch off shuffling and, "Yoongi are you okay?" being repeated over and over again. I nodded ny head but it looked like my head was just rolling around on my neck.

     The door burst open and a nurse came in.

     She smiled at everyone before coming to me "How are you feeling, Yoongi?"

     I nodded, a sudden wave of drowsiness washed over me. My eyes were fluttering closed as the nurse check that needle thing in my wrist.

     "Is everything alright with him?" Namjoon asked.

     "Yes, he's just fine. He most likely passed out from lack of nutrients. Your friend is 16 pounds underweight." she looked around the room with a face that said if she could scold them she would.

     Embarressment clouded my head as everyone looked at me sympethetically. I looked down at my fingers that had an oximetry on my pointer finger.

     "I'll be back to discharge you, Yoongi." the nurse left with another word.

     "Yoongi-" Jungkook started.

"No, it's fine, I'm fine." I looked down hoping by would bring anything else up.

"Okay, I'm back."the nurse bursted in, "Yoongi you are ready to go. If you are having any pains please come back. Here is a list of some nutritionist and therapist. Take care everyone." she left in a hurry.

     "Um, I have to get dressed now." I just noticed I was in a hospital gown.

     "Okay, we'll be outside." Namjoon ushered everyone outside.

I slowly got up and reached for my clothes which were on the bedside table. I walked over to my shoes which were by the door, my socks already on my feet.

I opened the door to see Seokjin standing there, a disappointed look on his face.

"Taehyung messaged you," the look on his face said to not interrupt him, "He messaged you twice and you've said nothing."

"Jin I-" he cut me off.

"Yoongi, what the hell? What is wrong with you? Do you know what he could be doing right now? These were sent an hour ago, he could already be dead."

My heart stopped, I'm sure my surprise was evident.

"I'm sorry." was all I could muster.

"What is he saying that you could open?" He raised my phone to my face to show me the two notifications from Taehyung.

     "A-a package... that I got this morning."

     I could clearly see the patience leaving his face with every word I spoke.

     "We're going to your house." He stuffed my phone in his pocket and pulled me along with him.

     Jin dragged me to the van with him not caring about me stumbling most of the way from trying to catch up with his long strides.  I sat beside Jimin, heeding the look of dismay on his face. Jungkook looking out the window, obviously a show of ignoring my existence.

     That weird feeling of anxiety that made my limbs numb and my brain fuzzy settled in. I felt my hands get clammy, so I tried to relax by looking out the window.

A couple minutes later we pulled in to a recognizable parking lot. My apartment parking lot.

"Off we go then." Jin shut off the van and everyone followed me up to my home.

Anxiety coddled every never in my body. I tried not to show it while also not trying to appear as if I don't feel at fault. I tugged my key out of my pocket trying to slow down my shaking hands. I don't remember if I cleaned the place up before I left. I don't know what is in the package.

As I opened the door everyone trailed in I closed the door behind them. No one minded taking off their shoes, though I was a little hurt I continued on to go and bring the package. I deserve it, if anything it's just a reminder that I don't belong. I just showed up one day and slithered my way into their lives. I have significance. My being has no purpose.

I took the package from the kitchen counter and went back into the living room where they were all standing. Jin looked at the package and then me before he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my bedroom. Which he could tell because I left the door wide open. He shut it behind him, crossing his arms when he turned to face me.

"Well, open it." He pointed with his chin.

I cleared my throat and sat on the edge of my bed. I unclasped the silver thing that held the envelope shut. Opening it, I poured out the contents onto my messily made bed. There was a page full of messy but legible writing, a small zip lock bag with a necklace I'm betting is expensive and a very well taken picture of this construction thingy in front of the ocean. I looked at it for awhile before setting it down and looking at Jin. He was still staring at me.

"Read the letter." he leaned on the wall, waiting.

"Um, okay," I took a breath, "Dear Yoo-"

"Not out loud, it's probably personal." Jin whined out.

"Oh, sorry." I looked down and began reading to myself.

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