Reiner X Christa

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Genji: Ah that was a fun birthday party wasn't it!

Cosmos: I drank too much

Connie and Sasha: I ate too much

Ethan: My wife hated you too much

Genji: Hey that cupcake was mine

Reiner: On to the ship already now!

Genji: Ok so let's see, so its Reiner and......this isn't that bad

Armin: when did this happen?

Christa: a year ago

Reiner: I decided to visit her and we just saw each other that's it

Ethan: Wow if it was my Historia she would of killed you in a second

Genji: I still have memories


Genji was walking around with a map that lead to treasure

Genji: Ok so if I go here than there it will lead me to the-

Dark Historia: AH!

Genji look to see the his foot stepped on her robe

Genji: Oh sorry I didn't notice

Dark Historia: *demon voice* you dare mess with the QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD!

Genji: Well King Of The Monsters

Dark Historia: Wait I remember you, aren't you the one who ate the last red blood cupcake and aren't you friends with my husband

Genji: The second one yes and the first hehe yeah.....shit

Historia forms blood weapons: THE LAST ONE WAS MINE!!!!!


Historia's eyes started to fill with flames as they literally burn some of the things around her


Genji gets tortured in the process of this whole back flash as it ends

*Cosmos house*

Doorbell rings

Cosmos: Who's there? *notices a box as it has holes in it*

He opens the box as his eyes are wide open

Genji stares at him and smiles


*Flashback Ends*

Cosmos: Yeah I still have nightmares of that shit

Marco : Enough about Evil Christa from another dimension let's get back to the ship

Ethan: Yeah so this huh, yeah I don't ship it

Cosmos: Yeah I got to go with Ethan on this

Annie: So what are the ratings

Christa: 1/10

Reiner: 10/10

Ymir: -999999999999/10

Armin: Same as Ymir's

Eren: 2/10

Crack: *person's response*

Ethan: *his response*

Cosmos: *their response*

Everyone else: 3/10

Genji: I'll give it a 4/10

Reiner: So what's next?

Petra, Annie, and Eren looking at the notes

Eren: Ok it's between a horse and a smart ass

Genji: *laughing* Yep I know which one this is!

Cosmos: Yeah Next Ship *shoots a bullet at the screen as it turns black*

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