Chapter One

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Braxton's POV
It's a lovely spring day. Two boys are walking down a park path. One, the taller of the two, is aggressively hitting the other with a rolled up newspaper.
"I swear to god, Chad! If you draw one more freaking dick on my arm I'm gonna make you wish you were never born!" The taller boy screeches with fury. The other boy, Chad, dodges the newspaper skillfully.
"Chillax, dude, stop getting your panties in a twist!" Chad says grinning a cheshire grin.
"My literal soulmate now has genitalia on their arm! Quit it!" Braxton growls, smacking Chad again.
"Okay, okay! Just cut it out with the newspaper already." Chad says, rubbing his abused, and now red, arm.
"Gimme your arm and we'll be even, you turd." Braxton barters. Chad reluctantly rolls up his short-sleeve shirt as Braxton pulls out a sharpie. The taller boy sets to work on his friend's arm, creating a masterpiece to be rivaled by only the greats.
Chad looks down at his arm and groans. Scrawled over his flesh are now the words, "Braxton's Favorite Blondie".
"You're kidding me right? This stuff is permanent, dude!" Chad groans, throwing his head back in dismay.
"You should've thought twice before defining my gorgeous, sun kissed skin." Braxton says with a evil grin.
"Please, like you ever go outside. You just have good genetics." Chad grumbles, rolling his eyes.
"Wow, just expose me like that." Braxton says acting offended. They approach the building they were searching for and Chad grins proudly,
"Well we found the ice cream place, told ya we wouldn't get lost."
"This one time doesn't excuse the Fourth of July Incident. I swear we almost had to call search and rescue." Braxton shoots back.
As he opens the door, a rush of wind ruffles his black hair all out of place. He has to stop and fix his hair, keeping the door propped open. Chad takes this opportunity to slip in the shop.
"Thank you kind, sir. I am forever in your debt." Chad says bowing dramatically. Braxton, for good measure, smacks him once more with the newspaper.
Well that was a thing. Hope y'all enjoyed a bit. I wrote this part and my lovely friend wrote the next. Find her here friendfics9235

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