Chapter 13

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It had been a busy week. They had spent the first few days shooting under Mason's direction, and then Mudd had joined them to continue shooting his episodes. Mason had brought a fun energy to the set, and everyone had joined in the camaraderie that was felt. Even Jo managed a joke or two between takes. However, as soon as Mason's shoot ended and Mudd took over everyone went back to their corners.

Finn kept his distance, and she might as well have been sharing the cottage with a ghost. He was never around and she never saw him.

In his and everyone's absence, Mudd had taken to hovering, as if waiting for a moment to pounce. She hadn't felt so uneasy since she had stopped living with her mother. So far, she had been able to avoid him, but she didn't know how much longer that would hold. They only had a few more days left before they returned to the city, and everything would be back to normal although Lily was at a loss for what was now normal.

June and Bianca had been on set working their magic every day, and they had formed a protective shield around her without anything being said. They were turning out to be her fairy godmothers or mother hens, depending on which way one looked at it. However, they weren't staying on the island with them, and Mudd was, which meant that when they returned, she had to stick around the others as much as possible.

Now, after a long day of shooting and having filled their bellies with more delicious food, they were all lounging around the sitting room while Cassie and Elias once again worked at the piano. Jo and Tom kept shooting each other looks that bordered on murderous, and Finn was sitting in a corner with Mason having a discussion that was too soft for anyone to hear.

Lily had a book and was curled up on a chair by the window because it was the only one in the room that was solo and made it hard for anyone to join her. Mudd was sitting with Cindy, their heads close together, but Mudd kept shooting looks at Lily that she pretended not to notice. He had been looking for entirely too long for the past few minutes and Lily looked up, letting her eyes scan the room to make sure she wasn't wrong, and as her eyes quickly looked away from Mudd's, they landed in Finn who was watching her just as closely.

Lily didn't look away and met his look head on even though she was at a loss for what he was thinking.

When Mason's phone rang it broke the moment because it was outrageously loud and obnoxious as the Hamster Dance issued forth from the small vibrating device.

"Hey, Petra! You're on speaker, and everyone is here! How is the search going?" Mason greeted.

"Alright I guess, but I want some clarification on what you want? You said Cassie was going to sing the songs for the show, but now you've changed your mind, and you want me to find you someone who can sing? Is that right?"

"Yes," Mason confirmed.

"Why do you need someone who can sing?" Jo asked from across the room.

"It's for the final show of the season. We finished writing it a few days ago. Desmond is going to enter an abandoned hotel and have memories of a past life. It will take us into next season. In the memories, he is going to remember the love of his previous life."

"Who is, let me guess, Brooke," Finn concluded for him.

Lily sat up, intrigued, and thrilled that she was going to have the job for a little bit longer.

"Yes, the period is World War II. I think that will be a good look for Lily, not to mention it will have lots of potential for next year's storyline.

"Yes, I get all that but why can't Lily sing the songs?" Petra asked, and a hush fell over the room as everyone turned to stare at her.

"You can sing Lily?" Mason asked with confusion.

"Of course she can sing, I was told at the beginning of the season that this might be where it was going so I got you someone who could play the part." Petra sounded put out by Mason's lack of faith.

"Why didn't you tell us you could sing?" Mason asked, totally ignoring Petra.

"Because compared to Cassie, I can't," Lily said softly. "I only ever sang in high school plays, but never since then and never professionally." She felt the need to defend herself against Mason's look of hurt.

"Lily, sing something for Mason!" Petra insisted.

"Yes, Lily," Elias patted the bench next to him as Cassie stood with a supportive smile. "I'm intrigued."

"I'm not sure-"

"Sing, Lily!" Petra insisted once again.

Lily stood on shaky legs and walked towards the piano. She never thought she would be singing for a group that included Cassandra Stevens and Elias Emory. "I won't be upset when you decide you don't want to use me," she assured everyone.

"Just sing Lily!" Mason said.

"What is it to be?" Elias asked, running his hands across the keys. She looked up at him with huge eyes, and he smiled at her kindly.

"Ummmm..." she looked at everyone and then back at Elias for help.

"Anything is fine," he offered.

"How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?" she suggested. She didn't know why she picked it, but she had heard the song in a movie once, and it had resonated with her, so she had memorized it.

Elias played a few bars, and Lily nodded. "A classic," he assured her as they found the right key then he began to play. Lily licked her lips and cleared her throat, and he was forced to play the intro a second time.

She closed her eyes and focused on the lyrics. They were beautiful lyrics about loss, but what that loss might be could be interpreted in several ways. For Lily, the song had been about her loss of childhood innocence as she witnessed her father and mother succumb to addiction, the abuse her mother suffered at her father's hand, the loss of her father, and the betrayal of her mother. She felt all of that in the song.

She forgot about everyone as she sang the song and felt the sorrow she had as a young girl once again. When she was done, she looked up, and everyone was staring at her except for Finn, he had his hands steepled in front of his face, as if in prayer, and he was looking off into the distance.

"Lily!" Mason exclaimed when she was finished. "That was wonderful!"

Lily blushed. "I'm no Cassie Stevens," she insisted.

"No, you're better," Cassie insisted. "I've had years of training, you haven't, with you, it is all natural, and there is a tone to your voice..." She shook her head, awed.

"Let me know if you ever decide to stop acting. I'll offer you a recording contract. I'd do it right now, but Mason would beat me if I did," Elias said with a grin.

All of the compliments were great, but she didn't believe them. They were only boosting her ego.

"Great job, Petra," Mason called as he walked over and hugged Lily.

"You're welcome," she called before ending the call.

"This makes all the difference. Now, we have to pick a song that will hit just the right note for the finale.

"I'll leave you to it," Lily said, picking up her book and heading for the door. She wanted some time to be alone.

"Finn, would you walk Lily back to the cottage please," Cassie called over her shoulder. Lily looked over at Cassie with a frown and Cassie rolled her eyes towards Mudd, explaining without words that she was nervous about him too. "There's a flashlight by the door if you need it!"

Finn stood without a word and waited for Lily to lead the way.

**How Can You Mend A Broken Heart

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