Gay gods on the moon?

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They're gay for each other. They're moms fuck each other. They slap their babies.

We finished eating our foodie and now it was time to eat breakfast. I grabbed a frying pan out of my ass and made a stove, then lit it on fire. I grabbed straws and potato mix from my hair then snatched my wig and my nails off. I pulled off my mask revealing the real me.

 I pulled off my mask revealing the real me

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(This is the real Light)

I put the potato mix in the straws and freezed them with my fire quirk. I then put the straws on the stove to cool off a bit, I walked over to L and he was in Peppa Pig flag ready to eat breakfast. I picked my foot up and shoved my toes up his ass, then I hear the sound of gay sirens! No no no! They couldn't be here yet I just made breakfast, I need to stall. "Hey L wanna go meet my parents?" 

"Aren't they on FreshAvacoda planet?" He said confused. 

"Nope they're on the underside of my wig silly!" I said.

"Okay then I'll go meet them!" He dived into my wig and started twisting and turning trying to hide from the big chicken.

I heard footsteps approach me, I look up in terror only to see two gay gods standing with me on the MOON! "OMG!!! IT'S ACTUALLY YOU, CAN I HAVE A SKIN CELL?" I say fanboying a tiny bit.

"Sure youngin! Just promise me not to sell it to  the seeds, they're a bit freaky if ya know what I mean." He said while peeling off some of his scalp. He handed it to me and I sniffed it taking in the gay smell. "I never asked your name by the way. Who are you?" I asked

"HAHA I AM LEISURE GAY RONCOMMIEE THE FOURTY-FIFTH!" He yelled loudly. Why is yelling so loud? Light though too himself, who knows.

Hey dudes, bros and broskis. Hope you liked this chapter because mores coming soon and it'll be a spicy boi. Peace out gays

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