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Sitting in this hospital bed, I was bored out of my mind. I'd been admitted two days ago after I fell off our roof. I had broken my right leg, broken my left arm and had two broken ribs. I sighed and tried to relax into the sheets but the buzzing of all the monitors hooked up to me was making me go insane. I just wanted to scream.

It was a dumb idea from the start. I occasionally climbed out my window and onto the ledge to the roof. It was always so calming for me. I had went up a few nights ago and realized how dirty it was. Leaves were piled up high and dead bugs lined the edge. I decided that I didn't want it to be this dirty when I come up so I decided I'd try to clean it up a little. So a few days later I went up with a broom.

What I didn't realize was that the other ledge wasn't sturdy enough to hold my weight. I ended up sliding halfway down the roof, bouncing and twisting the rest of the way before the roof ended and I landed on the driveway with a thud. Landing on my legs wrong, I braced myself with my hands and ended up breaking my arm. I remember the searing pain that shot through my body and I screamed in agony.

Luckily, Jake was home, heard the commotion and called 911. They arrived at the scene moments later and I was taken to the hospital, where I lay now. Hospitals suck, I concluded.

I had just started drifting off to sleep when my door opened. Light from the hallway lit up the room as I had all the lights off. I peaked open an eye to see my nurse. She comes in to check on me every hour, on the dot, except at nights. She lets me sleep. It must be 7pm already.

"Colby? You awake?"

I groan and raise my arm that wasn't in a cast. She sighs and goes around my bed to check my vitals.

"Your friends didn't come to visit today?"

Her name is Larisa. She had dark wavy hair that was always pulled into a tight ponytail. Her eyes were a sparkling green and she had dimples when she smiled.

Along the table by the bed were multiple stuffed animals and cards and some now wilting flowers. They were all from my friends who came to see me after I was admitted. Jake had called them. I didn't want anyone to know the stupid thing I had done but here we are.

She was quiet, waiting for my answer as she scribbled away on her clipboard. I wondered what she could be writing. I fully opened my eyes. Today she was wearing a black skirt with a pink blouse, her white nurses coat thrown over her clothes.

"No, none of them came today," I sighed. I looked out my half open window to see the almost full parking lot. I wished someone was here with me right now, I was bored and lonely.

"And why's that?" She continues to question. I shrug and say, "They're busy people I guess."

The only one who hadn't been in to see me was Sam. He was in Kansas, visiting his family. But I texted him and he seemed worried. He told me he was going to find the first flight back to LA but I told him not to. I told him not worry. I haven't heard from him since.

"How much longer do I have to be in here?" I ask. Larisa looks at me, her lips parted.

"Considering you have a broken leg, broken arm and two broken ribs... at least another three days," Larisa said seriously.

"Ugh," I grumble. She pats my good leg and replaces the clipboard on the clip at the end of my bed.

"Hey at least you didn't injure your spinal cord, you'd be in big trouble if that had happened," Larisa said. She walks to the door.

"I'll be back in an hour. Call if you need anything," she says and closes the door. There was a button by the side of the bed that alerts her if I needed her. I haven't used it.

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