some nights

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Colby was never one to sleep much. He would rather do anything else than sleep. Instead he would be on his phone, scrolling through the endless tweets that kept refreshing on his Twitter or watching fan edits of himself on Instagram. He would watch movie after movie and episode after episode until he's seen everything on Netflix. Or he would watch random videos on YouTube. Sometimes he would rewatch his own just to see how much he had changed since then. Or sometimes he would just lay in his bed, lights off, and listen to the music that escaped his phone's speaker, willing himself to sleep. But it very rarely ever came. So when someone knocked on his door at 3 in the morning, he got up and answered, glad for the distraction.

He slipped on a random black shirt that was on the floor. He had taken it off because it got hot in his room. He didn't put on any pants, his black boxers will have to do. He hoped it was just the guy next door who sometimes gets so drunk that Colby has to led him to the right apartment door. He turned on the lights on his way to the door so he wouldn't trip.

He opened the door, expecting his drunk neighbor to be leaning against the doorframe, and he prepared himself to catch the man if he started falling. But when Colby swung the door open he saw Sam. The blonde was in his own pajamas, sweatpants and tshirt, his hands clasped together in front of him. Colby was confused as to why Sam was at his door. Though the blonde lived right across the hall, Sam visited Colby often but never in the middle of the night like this. It had been a long day for them and he would have thought that Sam would already be asleep.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" Colby asked rather quietly, since most of the people in their apartment were sleeping. Sam looked behind Colby and into his messy apartment. He stepped aside so Sam could enter and he shut the door. He clicked the lock into place before turning to face Sam.

"I knew you'd be awake," Sam said once the door was closed and straying ears couldn't hear. Colby brought his eyebrows together and bit his lip. They stood there, in the dim light of the kitchen, staring at one another. And then Colby led Sam to his bedroom. They sat down on the edge and Colby was unsure of what to say.

"Huh?" The brunette asked.

"You're always awake and I just-just wanted..." Sam was struggling to talk. His breathing had become heavy and Colby grabbed both of Sam hands to try to calm him. Colby knew Sam got nervous easily. Gently, Colby rubbed circles into Sams skin. Colby tried to make eye contact with the boy but Sam was avoiding it.

"What is it Sammy? Just tell me," Colby whispered, using Sams nickname to make the boy seem more comfortable.

"I'm having trouble sleeping. I can't seem to fall asleep," Sam said honesty, sighing a little. Sam squeezed his eyes shut afraid Colby would laugh at him.

Colby frowned and moved closer to Sam. Usually Sam was the first to fall asleep, sleeping came natural to him. Colby now noticed the dark circles under Sams eyes. And he wondered how long it had been since the boy got a full nights sleep.

"For how long?" Colby asked. He brought his hand up to cup Sams face. His finger rubbed underneath Sams dark eyes and Colby frowned. Sam closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, almost like the contact made him relax.

"A couple weeks," Sam replied.

That meant Sam hasn't been fully sleeping for a long time. No wonder he's been slower and tired all the time. Colby just thought that all the videos and editing they do were finally wearing on the blonde. Staring too long at a computer screen trying to edit an hour long video is draining, mentally and physically.

"Oh Sammy, I'm sorry," Colby said. Without thinking, Sam crawled into his best friends lap and placed his head on his shoulder. Colby wrapped his arms around Sam and closed his eyes. It wasn't unusual for them to be close, they've been friends for years and the contact doesn't seem to bother them anymore. In fact, it was weird when they weren't touching or comforting each other.

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