Part 3 (The Orientation)

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"Nampaknya dia dah maafkan lah", kata Aiman.

"Who say so?", bisik satu suara dibelakangnya. Sebaik sahaja dia melihat kebelakang. Seperti yang disangka, suara itu milik Lisa.

"Im dead", bisik hatinya.

Sebaik sahaja sesi petang itu selesai. Lisa sedang duduk di temapt biasa, di mana Uncle kesayangannya akan menjemputnya. "Its end earlier than I tought", kata Lisa sambil membetulkan jam tangannya. Tangannyya yang dibalut tadi dipandang lama.

Sebaik sahaja Uncle Lisa sampai ditempat yang dijanjikan. Dia terus masuk ke perut kereta. "Am I late? Or you just finish early?"

"Its wrap up earlier than I thought", jawab Lisa sambil menyandarkan bahunya pada pintu kereta.

"Oh yes! Here's for you", kata Unclenya sambil memberikannya kotak Iphone Xs Max.

"OMG! Its rose gold!"

"Yes, I know you will like it"

"Owh~ Thank You~", kata Lisa.

"Your welcome"

"This is bad for me you know? You shouldn't always spoil me like this"

"Yelah, tahu. Awak tu nanti tak ada phone nak mengadu pula 24 jam"

"Malam ni Uncle masak apa?", soal Lisa.

"Malam ni kita makan luar lah eh. I need to meet someone after that"

"Am i...?"

"Yes, you coming with me. Don't worry, he's my business partner and your mothers friend"

"Uncle, I have work to do"

"Just bring it"

"I don't want to go....."

"Should I just cut off the Wifi?"

"No, you can't"

"Yes, I can"

Malam tu. "Lisa, cepat sikit"

"Dah siap pun", baju kemeja berwarna cream itu dipadankan dengan seluar hitam formal.

"Wow! Are you my secretary today?"

"Uncle, im not in the mood. Stop teasing me before I pull that neck tie of you"

"Yelah. Tangan awak dah okey?", soal Unclenya.

"Dah okey, tapi masih sakit", dia mengadu sambil membuat mimic muka kesakitan.

"Alolo. Kesian dia, dah jom", Uncel nya terus menolaknya keluar rumah perlahan-lahan.

Keesokan harinya. Sebaik sahaja tiba di University. "Wait! Isn't that guy at the Coffee shop yesterday?", soal Uncle nya.

"Yes, he's my junior"

"Lisa, please don't bully him for what happen yesterday"

"I can't promise you"

"Yah! I tell your mother if you did"

"Why you always bring up about mom? I will tell your girlfriend that you flirting with those girl yesterday"

"No, I didn't"

"Im not stupid. Did you forget, im a law student. That's the problem, you can't lie to me"

"Just don't get into trouble, I might have to send you back to your mother"

"Yes, Ill be out of trouble, I don't want to get kick out from this Uni okey", dia terus membuka pintu kereta dan keluar dari perut kereta. 

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