A Pack Break

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The news reports echoed in my mind. I tried not to think about them too much, not trying to deflect the situation or anything, of course not, but every time I thought of it, of how someone out there is running around wearing my face, doing things I swore never to do again... it physically hurts. In all honesty, it scared me. I left that life behind and I've started fresh, a new face, a new name, a new image. But she haunted every night. In the back of my eyes, she lingered there, blood soaking her hands. She growled at me, a growl that had an underlying tone of laughter. And her eyes, beaming blue eyes, the things they saw. I almost felt like one of the victims, one of her kills lying under her hands, begging her for my life. I wanted to live...without who I was haunting me every night. The Crimson Assassin, a beast. A killer. A manipulated child. Now a girl who just wanted to move on. But the world wouldn't let her, it was like cosmic karma. The world was balancing itself out.

"Not hungry?" Jake asked. I stopped pushing at the mound of mashed potato and peered up to him. His eyes were warm, comforting... just what I needed. I shrugged. 

"I've lost my appetite."

"Understandable," He reached his hand across the table and took mine. "But hey, you still got us. Whoever this is we'll get them, we're a powerful alpha duo, we can do anything."

"You saw the way they looked at me, you heard what they whispered behind my back."

"Look, I understand why you'd think they don't trust you at the moment, but they'll realise that you aren't the Crimson Assassin, you're just alpha Crimson."

"I can't be an alpha without a pack." 

Jake sighed, staring down at his own plate of food. Dinner alone with Jake was comforting, however, different. Most nights everyone in the house would eat together, eating together created an unspoken bond that formed between the pack. But tonight, I had no stomach to eat, it was back three hours ago when I realised it was not over. 

"What do you want to do?" He asked. I set my fork back down onto my plate. The first thing that needed to be addressed was the pack themselves, they're my friends, they must understand. I need to find a way to support myself, prove that I'm not killing again. 

"We need to have a pack meeting," I said, finally. 

Jake nodded in agreement. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the entrance of Olivia, a stack of paper in her hand. "Uh, sorry am I interrupting?"

"No, what is it?" Jake said.

"I've got the mail."

I jumped up suddenly, causing Olivia to jump slightly. She passed the stack to me and I flicked through it rapidly. The names flashed by until I caught the letter i had been waiting for. I tore it open with force and carefully slipped the letter from the tethered envelope. I stopped for a moment and took a breath relaxing my muscles, but my fingers wouldn't move, they wouldn't open the letter. I chucked it to Jake. 

"I can't open it, can you just tell me instead."

Seconds turned to minutes as Jake seemed to slowly turn the paper over and scan the words. His facial expression shifted, morphing to a soft smile.

"Langard University wants to have a one-on-one interview with you in a few days." 

I jumped, a grin widening on my face.

"Congratulations," said Olivia, she picked up the rest of the letters and with a slight nod from Jake, she left.

I jumped into Jake's arms, hugging tight. But then the anxiety crept up. What are they going to ask me? Am I going to be interviewed by a female or a male? Should I wear something casual, something that screams that I'm unique, or something professional like a pencil skirt? Should I put makeup on? Maybe a little, but not too much, I don't want to come off as if I'm trying to make up for something. Or that I'm hiding something. What if they don't like me?
"You'll be fine," Jake said, noticing my agitated state. "I know you, you're going to overthink it until there's is nothing else to think about, and then you'll do great. Just relax, breath." He started to rub his hands along my arms. I let out the breath I was holding. 

"Oh, blades... I have to drive there. What day did it say they wanted the interview?"

"The 27th."

"Okay, it takes almost two days to get there, with stops along the way. Which means I'm going to have to leave... tomorrow morning."

"Seriously? Then let's start packing."

"No jake, you have to stay here with the others... I actually think this will be a good break for everyone." 

"What about the pack meeting?"

"We'll do it when I get back, in the meantime could you please keep me updated, and make sure that Holly eats, she's been avoiding her food cause she's afraid someone is going to smell it on her."

Jake smiled, eyes hooded. "Sure," he said comfortably. 

I picked up the plates from the bench and moved into the kitchen, placing them into the sink. 

"Might as well start packing now, I've got a long way to go tomorrow."


Authors Note:

Why hello people who are still reading this!

It's been...a while. I started this book 2 years ago .... sorry ._.

The past 2 years have been really busy for me, and its actually going to get a lot busier from now until the end of the year. I want to work on this in my spare time because:

1. I love writing

2. I feel like I need to write this and continue the story (and finally finish the story) of Crimson 

3. I said why not, I need a break from studying.

So if you're still reading this, and have followed Crimson from day 1 to now...thank you so much. I love the support, the comments and the amazing responses. It gives me confidence in my writing which is exactly what we all need! I should hopefully keep updating, but you never know. Anyways, thank you... and enjoy.

... I got a lot in store for Crimson and the pack. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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