A Silence to the Annoyance

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The afternoon light warmed my skin, my black hoodie absorbing its warmth. An orange glow lit the trees surrounding me, their leaves casting menacing shadows across the forest floor. I took a deep breath, sucking in a bitter smell. I trod carefully against the leaves as I got my bearings. A crunching sound tickled my hearing, snapping my attention towards the shadows. From beyond the shadow, a figure moved, with fierce steps it moved into the light, eyes fixed on me. A girl, her eyes a dull brown were wide in what smelt like anger. I stood my ground. She was dressed in black, clothes dotted with dried stains. "What do you think you are doing here? Get the fuck off my territory!" She growled at me, her teeth bared. I was not intimidated, she was like a mosquito on my arm, unimpressive. "Is this because of my attitude?" She said, using her fingers to make bunny ears for her last word. I stared at her in confusion for a while, processing the situation. "Are you going to say something Sapphire? Or are you just going to stand there? Oh...did I hurt your feelings before?" Sapphire? So that's the name she is going by now, I thought. I now understood the situation. The girl kept blabbering, attempting to hurt me in any way with her words; like words are going to pierce my heart. It wasn't long before her blabbering became an annoyance, I knew I had to get rid of her somehow.

I went to pass her, but as I did her hand jutted out and stopped me, as I turned she threw her fist. Time slowed, her fist was moving straight towards my face, it would have hit me square in the nose if I hadn't moved my head out of the way in time. As time sped up again the air stumbled. She stood straight again and once more she swung, though this time I caught her hand and squeezed. She let out a small squeak. I moved my eyes up to her and glowed them, the red and black seeping into my human eyes. The colour drained from the girls face, her eyes growing wider than the valley. Her eyes begged for mercy, limbs flailing for freedom. My free hand leapt up and clutched her neck. She gasped as my fingers tightened around her throat. "You are seriously annoying, I don't know how Crimson could ever deal with you." The girl peered at me in confusion and pleading. "Or should I say... Sapphire?" I added. I saw the cogs moving in her brain before she looked back at me, her face beginning to purple. I sighed and twisted my hand. A sickening crack broke the sombre forest. I released the girl, her lifeless body dropping onto the ground in a crumpled mess. I bent down and flicked out a claw. "You know you are so much more peacefull when you are dead." I placed my claw on her thigh and began to trace my mark. 

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