11: Singing To An Alien

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I huffed. Taureen had tried to coax me into my cage with sunburst berries, but I stuck with Tasha. I let her eat some of my food as well, just to keep her from going after the treat. Taureen eventually gave up and put another cloth, heat lamp, food and water dishes inside with us.

Both Tasha and I were depressed. Myself even more so. Two days ago, I stopped eating. Yesterday, I stopped drinking. Tasha was better than me since she had only stopped going up to Taureen for sunburst berries, which he had now upped to three. Needless to say, it didn't work.

I was starving, and I knew it. But it was one of those times where I had control over my instincts. I sighed. I had MDD as a human. It stood for Major Depression Disorder. It was why I was always so active and moving all the time. It distracted me from being depressed. Thankfully, after all of the therapy I had when I was in elementary school, I got into my own path and pushed it to the back of my mind. 

My MDD had apparently transferred into my new body, as I was really sad if I missed a single Morning Song, and I got depressed if I missed three, and it got worse as it went along. It had been at least a week since I last sang it. I knew that if I missed one more day, I might've asked Tasha to end me if I didn't do it myself. And yes, missing the Morning Song for even a day, it was that bad for me.

"Amber, look."

I slowly opened my eyes as I looked at Tasha, who was walking out of the cage with no fear or unease whatsoever as she passed the Kymari on the couch without a second glance.

I opened my eyes fully in shock and managed to twist my head. I felt a familiar longing and joy fill up my heart as I stood for the first time in two days.

I walked out of the cage, ignoring my hunger as I bounded to catch up to Tasha, who was climbing up to the window. I gave my wings a small, single flap, which was as much as I could do with my wing-restraint still on and still weak from starving myself for the past few days.

Tasha and I lined up, our hands on the glass as we watched the sun next to each other. Neither of us could fly, so we would have to improvise.

I sat on Tasha's right and she sat on my left, our messed up wings between us. We began to sing softly, starting with a delicate tune that rose and fell in different patterns.

As our duet got more intricate, both Tasha and I flared out our good wings and flapped them, twisting our tails around in the air as a substitute for not being able to dance properly.

I sang a complex trill as Tasha whistled and chirped, our clashing songs giving off a beautiful melody. We sang together in an acapella, conducted and directed by the sun as I lost myself in the song.

Tasha and I finished together in the same soft sounding notes from when we began, as we watched the sun. In my opinion, the Morning Song had ended only too soon. At least it had lifted my heart and spirit.

I laid down with a chirp, deciding to stay up here to sunbathe as it was well out of Taureen's reach.

I spread my wings as Tasha shook herself off, earning a tinkling noise. Tasha flew over to the center table as I nibbled on my claws. They were getting a bit too long again. I would have to wear them down on something soon.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Tasha bathed herself in the sand. I longed to do that as well. My scales weren't as clean as I would like them, which I still found confusing. As a human, I really didn't care if I was dirty or not. Sure, I would take a shower every day, but that didn't change the fact that I didn't care.

As Tasha finished rolling in the sand, I flew down next to her, grabbing handfuls of the sand and taking it back with me to the window. Tasha shook her head at me as I buffed my scales on my arms, legs, belly, and neck. I used the sand along my wings where they would allow it, and I grinned as I found a weakness in my wing restraint. I began to gnaw on it, and pretty soon, it ripped, catching the attention of the people in the room.

I threw the stupid restraint off my wing and chittered my approval as I stretched my wing out. It finally didn't feel as stiff as it used to, and I used the sand to clean that off as well. I couldn't reach a few spots along my back though.

I threw sand on my back and twisted my left wing around, using the bend to clean up my back. I sighed once the itch was gone as I rested once more in the sun.

Not many dragonets were able to do this, as you had to be really flexible and know when to stop pushing so you didn't accidentally dislocate your wing.

I hissed as I saw Taureen put a sunburst berry a little too close to my sister for my liking. I sat up and watched with bared teeth as Tasha slowly took the berry in her mouth, ignoring me. Taureen glanced at me, as I was now sitting up and had my wings unfurled slightly, but ignored me otherwise.

I watched at Tasha ate the berry, examining the Kymari. I didn't know why. He was probably your average Kymari. I knew they lived for an average of seven hundred years but many didn't reach that far in life as long as that, due to being killed in battle.

From what I saw, Taureen was likely under 150 years. It was a bit hard to tell, but Kymari had weird growth patterns. They grew for the first hundred-hundred fifty to a hundred seventy years, then they stopped, then they started growing again at five hundred.

As Tasha went back into the cage, I positioned myself on the window to watch any move the Kymari might make. Before I lay, however, I gave another growl for good measure.

Sorry for this update being so late. Got a little bit of writer's block and my mom just went to bed half an hour ago, so I was able to take my computer from where she hid it and am now updating. *Shakes head* The things I do for you people!

So far, only one person has guessed my favorite fruit. Hint, I mentioned it in the last chapter as a fruit Amber likes. 

Who can guess my least favorite fruit? (Hint, it was also mentioned earlier in the book)

Thanks for your support, and don't forget to like, comment, and pear! I mean banana!

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