◂escape » swaggersouls.

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i've gotten three one-shots published within a whole day, that's fucking fantastic. i've been feeling very inspiring so i've been writing a lot today, i hope you cunts enjoyed this. this was sort of similar to my last one-shot except it has a different story and it involves the misfits. peace.


Rushing to cover bullets covered the air like a blanket. Sirens screeching among the abandoned forest, echoing the further (Y/N) and her group moved away. The only sound coming to her conscience were the wails and cries of her broken friends as they escaped what was once their home, only to be burnt and invaded by the FBI. " Come on!" (Y/N) could hear in the distance as two old and rusted trucks pulled up front. The window was open and (Y/N) could make out the familiar face of Ryan in the first truck. Without hesitation, (Y/N) scrambled in the first truck along with three other Misfits boys. The four that contained (Y/N), Cameron, Eric and Matt composed themselves, discharging their weapons as a bunch of police arose from the brink of the forest. Many bullets had made fresh blown holes on the truck as Ryan drove off, Sam driving along behind us with Mason, Jay and Toby. The group were taking out as much Police as they could. The two trucks sped along the highway, keeping a close eye out for any enemies that they may encounter. (Y/N) sighs leaning back in her seat, catching her breath. "You alright?" The voice came from (Y/N)'s boyfriend, Eric. (Y/N) was quiet for a minute before she nods slightly to him, her breathing heavy because of the adrenaline she was feeling. Eric draped his arms around her shoulders protectively. "We should be okay for now..." He mumbled. 

"Ryan, I want you to head down the mountains, we need to leave this fucked up city," Cam, the group leader instructs. "Where should we go?" Ryan asked taking a sharp turn, changing directions. "Sydney?" Cam asked the group in the seats around him. "That's 9 hours away!" Matt hollered in shock. "We won't make it in time before dark," he stated. Cam chewed on his lower lip, "I am aware of that but it is a lot safer, further from Melbourne, the better..." He explained, pulling off a black bandana that covered the lower half of his mouth. "They still could track us down," Ryan inquired, his eyes focused on the road ahead of them. "But they won't comprehend on looking there, so we can find a hideout and it would be a lot easier to focus on our YouTube carriers" Cam explained once more, to make the plan more clearly. "He has a fair point, we can handle driving there, we can stay in a Motel for a while" (Y/N) said to back up Cam's explanation. "It's settled then, we'll find a Motel along the way and stay there for a while, then we'll leave for Sydney. 

Matt pauses for a minute before exhaling with a slow nod, "Okay... I'll call up the others and give them the deeds..." He mumbles, pulling out his phone. He phoned up Sam's number, awaiting an answer, putting him on speaker for the rest of the group to hear. (Y/N) nestled her head against Eric's chest, sighing softly. "We lost our home..." She managed to mumble out, loud enough for only him to hear. This made Eric frown deeply and his arm tightened around the girl he loved. "Baby, we'll find somewhere to stay, it'll be okay. I promise..." He murmured softly in (Y/N)'s ear, tenderly caressing her arms reassuringly. Sam's voice lingered throughout the car as he and Matt conversed about the group's plans. "Are we able to make it tonight without being caught?" Sam asked. The car was quiet once more. "We can always take the back way..." Ryan mumbled to Cam who nods. Matt mentioned that to Sam and it took a minute for him to take it all in. "Where is the nearest Motel? Isn't that like another two hours and a bit away?" Toby's voice rang through from the phone as he was obviously listening to the conversation too. Matt hummed slightly for a few seconds in thought as Cam began to talk. In another hour we can stop by a servo station, stock up on food and water and discuss some other necessities," He explained loud and clear, Matt holding the phone up so it was easier for Sam to hear. "Okay, you guys lead the way." With that, Sam ended the call. "This is going to be a long ride y'all so get comfy..." Ryan murmured. Cam went on to turn on some music. (Y/N) let out a soft sigh. She was honestly exhausted. This whole day was literal hell. The group of criminals with only a couple thousand dollars have become lost and homeless. Their home had been torn down and the group had nowhere else to go. "Are the other boys okay?" (Y/N) asked Matt quietly who answered with a slight shrug. "They all seemed okay on call, I don't think they were shot or worse..." Eric rolled his eyes, "Don't make it sound like they're dead, they're only in the car behind us," he said, nudging the boy's shoulders. Matt chuckles, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry..."

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