◂train ride » goodguyfitz.

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okay, so this imagine isn't one of my best. this one is a lot shorter but it's currently 12 in the morning and my sleep schedule has been fucked. i hope y'all can forgive me. also, i'm not sure if i have mentioned this but i do take requests. so, if you have an idea message me or comment down below, the idea and then give me the ideal person you want the reader to be shipped with. that's all, peace.


(Y/N) boarded the train with her best friend, Matt. She spun around, waving a last goodbye to her mother and father, who was almost in tears. At the sight, (Y/N) started to tear up slightly as she had realised it'll be the last time she'd see her mom and dad for a little while. Matt dragged her away as the two teenagers were almost trampled on by the other students. (Y/N) had let out a small squeak and the two barged through the closest compartment they could find. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief and Matt giggles quietly. "Are you alright?"The fairly tall brunette asked his best friend. (Y/N) took a minute to respond, but after a minute of heavy panting, she nodded lightly. "I'm okay..." She mumbled out, glancing around the compartment they managed to find themselves in. There wasn't anyone else around which made (Y/N) grin widely. "Yes! No people!" She burst out and took a seat closest to the window. Matt took a seat in front of her, pulling his back onto his lap. "Do you know how long we'll be on the train for?" He asked the girl who sat in front of him. (Y/N) shrugs, "Maybe around three to four hours." Matt groaned, "why so long?!" (Y/N) chuckles before pouting softly. "You don't want to spend time with your favourite person?!" She whined out, looking rather adorable. Matt mockingly pouted before muttering a small, 'nope', to which (YN) gasped. "Wow! Okay, I'll just call Mason my best friend!" She whined out, playfully glaring at the boy who sat before her. Matt let out a small giggle, "wow, that's just rude!" He yelped, jokingly and crosses his arms. (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh, opening her mouth to speak before the door flew open. Standing before them was a tall blonde-brown headed boy. He had the brightest of blue eyes. Upon noticing the two, he skidded to a stop. "Oh, hello! Do you reckon I can sit with you two? Everywhere else is full," he asks, racking his fingers through the light haired mop that lay on top of his head. Matt smiled warmly up at the tall boy, 

"yeah, of course!" The boy entered the compartment, closing the door politely before taking a seat beside Matt. "I'm Cameron, it's nice to meet you!" The boy, presumably known as Cameron greeted, waving slightly. (Y/N) smiled softly, "It's nice to meet you too, I am (Y/N) and the boy beside you is my best friend, Matt." Upon making eye contact with the boy, (Y/N) realised just how beautiful his blue hues really were. Matt smiled at Cam, "so, what year are you in?" He asked the new face. "Oh, I am in year 10." The boy said, (Y/N) grinned at him. "Oh! Me too, I'm surprised I haven't seen you around before..." Cameron giggles, "Yeah, I usually hang out by myself," he said, with a shrug. Matt smiles softly, "must be kinda lonely, huh?" Once again, Cameron shrugs, "Ah, well... I got used to it." "Why don't you hang out with us these next 2 weeks?" (Y/N) asked the boy who smiled gratefully. "Thank you, that'd be amazing." The 3 students had continued to talk about random shit that came to their heads. They were all getting to know each other. (Y/N) begun to realise how similar she was to Cam. He liked to play the guitar like her and also liked to play video games. "I reckon camp is going to be pretty fucking sick now." (Y/N) said with a wide grin. Cameron and Matt chuckle, "definitely!" Cam said, agreeing with her statement.

The three teenagers continued to converse as the train continued to their destination. The group of year 10's were headed to a yearly camping trip that'll be going on for 2 weeks. There would be loads of activities and games the group of around 100 students will be participating in. They were all getting closer and closer until it had come to a point where teachers were roaming around telling students to grab their supplies because they'll be getting up soon. Matt got up with a giddy expression, running a hand through his hands. "I'm so excited!" He exclaimed to (Y/N) and Cam who giggled, nodding. The three of them were super pumped to get to know each other more and hang out. (Y/N) was especially excited to learn more about Cameron. He was a good looking guy with such a hilarious personality. (Y/N) couldn't help but glance over at the said boy who was putting away a bag of lollies back into his carry on bag. The girl tilts her head with curiosity watching the adorable bo struggle zipping up his bag. "Need a hand?" She asked the boy who looked over before shyly nodding. (Y/N) couldn't help but let out a soft, angelic giggle before standing up to help him. 

As (Y/N) stood up though, the train had suddenly come to an unexpected halt. The girl stumbled forward losing her balance knocking into the tall boy who fell back clumsily. The two of them fell towards the ground yet something stopped (Y/N) from hitting the hard surface. As soon as everything slowed down to a normal pace, she lifted up her head. The first sight she was was Cam's glistening blue eyes that were filled with worry. "Are you okay?" The said boy asked hastily, his eyes wide. (Y/N) gulped, nodding hesitantly. "I-I'm fine," She managed to stammer out through her anxiety. What happened next occurred in a slow mow. Cam finally noticed the position they were in, his eyes gradually grew wider. (Y/N) chest tightened and swifter than any superhero could, she rolled off of him, stumbling to her feet. "I-I'm s-so sorry!" She squeaked out, awkwardly. "N-No, it's okay..." Cam slowly sat up, the two of them were beat red. "Were you hurt?" (Y/N) asked, fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously. Cam shook his head and pulled himself up, "I'm okay, don't worry..."

(Y/N) looked around the compartment and soon realised Matt was missing. "Where'd Matt go?" She asked softly. Cam also noticed his disappearance and shrugged, "Could've followed the teacher out..." He muttered softly. (Y/N) giggled, "lucky he didn't see our fall," She joked out, making Cam chuckled. "That would have been embarrassing!" Cam exclaims and (Y/N) nods laughing. "He would've teased us about it for days!" The two fell into a childish laughing fit. "Fuck, I think these next weeks will be more fun than I thought," Cam said. (Y/N) hummed in response, flashing the tall boy a warm-hearted grin. "Shall we go look for the boy?" She asked Cam who nodded with a smile. "Sure, thing!" The two left the room after zipping up their bags and followed a group of the students who were walking towards one of the trains exits. It was a tight fit with the mass of students but the two new friends stuck together and finally exited the train without earning any injuries. 

(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief as they moved away from the train, panting softly. "I thought I was going to die in there." She heard Cam choke out and all she could muster out was a nod. She felt that way for a few minutes as she stood there trying to catch her breath, as was Cam. She could hear teachers calling out for students to line up with their classes so they could do a roll call. (Y/N) sighs turning to the cute, light-haired boy. "I'll see you later!" She smiled before bounding off to find her classmates. Cam watched as she left with a soft smile. Something tells him, he is really going to enjoy having her around him. Cam, after a minute, sighed before searching for his own classmates. He was ready to start this camping trip and getting closer to the quirky girl he met merely 4 hours ago.


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