◂escaping the purge » inotorious.

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it's been a hot minute since my last upload, i am very much aware of that. A lot has happened the last few weeks since the virus started so i rarely get the motivation to write. I do have a lot of drafts not only for this story, but another story i will be potentially writing. My next updates will still be slow, but I hope you can bare with me here. but alas, here's a second part of the purge. thanks dudes, peace.



(Y/N)'s mother had been gone for a little over 30 minutes now. (Y/N) patched up Matt's wound as much as she could with the supplies in her reach, though extreme risks of infections were high, as were the crazed lunatics bouncing around the house that left Matt, (Y/N) and her siblings at risk of death. Currently, (Y/N), Matt, (Y/N)'s siblings, Bryce and Evelyn were held up in the bathroom, the door being locked up tight. the frightened group had kept the light off to avoid anyone instantly finding out where they were. it was silent in the room, the occasional whimper from Evelyn or Bryce would be heard as another loud clatter would ring out from close by. Not only that but, Matt's occasional grunt of pain could also be noticed. the only light source in the room was a couple of candles that were mainly used as mood lighting. It was starting to get quiet, an occasional cackle or bang would be heard every now and again but other then that there was complete silence. That can be either good or bad. It could be good because the crazed fuckers might've gotten bored of creating mayhem within the two story house, OR, they were getting more serious about finding the four cooped up in the second floor bathroom.

"Are they gone?" Evelyn whimpered out after another 15 minutes of silence. (Y/N) stayed silent, hobbling out of the empty bathtub, towards the locked up door. She pressed her ear against it. It was silent. But, that didn't bring her hopes up. She went to unlock the door too take a peak out to see if it was safe to leave, but, was quick to retract to her hand when a loud bang was heard at the door. She stumbled back with a slight gasp, praying that whoever was outside, didn't know they were in there, or didn't hear her. Matt stumbled to his feet holding a blade in his hand as (Y/N) held her boyfriends baseball bat tightly. Both Evelyn and Bryce let out a small whimper, which made (Y/N) give them a look that clearly meant 'shut the fuck up'. Their eyes were wide as they clamped hands over their mouths to stop anymore incoming whimpers. It went silent again, though that silence was soon ruined by a loud, feminine voice from outside the door. "You killed him! You whore, you killed my baby!" The tone in the familiar girls voice was oddly calm, like she didn't care at all. "But, now- you're all going to pay~" she cooed before a sudden rev of something which could only be defined as a chainsaw started up. Evelyn and Bryce started to scream and cry for help. Matt grabbed hold of (Y/N)'s hand, pulling her closer to him protectively. "M-Matt..." (Y/N) whimpered our in pure fear. "Hang on baby, i'll get you three out." the large blade of the chainsaw was seen poking through the door that only worsened the screams of the young children cowering in the bathtub.

The door was slowly being demolished. the wood was being ripped up apart until the female on the other side yanked the chainsaw out of the door and then began kicking in the door, chipping multiple chunks of wood off, peering inside. bright blue hues could be seen from (Y/N) and Matt's perspective before a hand reached in to unlock the door. Matt acted fast and sprinted forward diving his blade deep into the hand tugging it out harshly making the woman on the other side let out a ear piercing scream. she swiftly retracted her hand away from the hole crying in utter pain. "You bitch!" she screamed out in anger and agony. (Y/N) took the chance to swiftly kick the door open, knocking the strange girl from the other side down to the ground. With that, she then sprung forward, her hands grip tightly around crazy chicks neck. The woman underneath (Y/N) stared up at her with wide eyes. But, what was unsettling was the large joker-like grin on her face. The fear on (Y/N)'s face was clear. Her adrenaline was taking over and she went for the chainsaw. It was still running loudly and she swung the moving blade forward, diving it into the crazed girls stomach. The screams would come to haunt (Y/N). The females guts started to pour out as (Y/N) pulled the chainsaw out. The siblings were crying, Matt held them close tightly, covering the gruesome sight before them. Blood had splattered everywhere. All on the walls and floor, even on the ceiling. Blood covered (Y/N)'s clothes and the scent of iron was strong. (Y/N) hurled forward, choking on her saliva and puke as she tumbled to the ground. Tears were rolling down her face as she let out loud hiccups. 

"What happened here?!" The voice belonged to (Y/N)'s mother who gasped loudly, running forward dropping the bags (of which could only be the medication she fought to get) and took hold of (Y/N)'s hunched and shaking body. "Hey, hey hey... It's okay, I'm here love..." Her mother murmured softly, her heart racing out of her chest as she saw the lifeless body slumped on the ground. "Matt get the kids to the car, we'll be there in a second." With hesitation, Matt nodded, ushering the kids out of the room, his body still blocking the view of the scene as he swiped the bag in his hands, stumbling out of the house careful to avoid any oncoming people. (Y/N)'s mother turned to her daughter. "(Y/N) sweetheart, we need to leave alright?" (Y/N) could only give her mother a shaky nod, glancing up at her in fear. Her mother frowned, helping her to her feet. "Are you able to walk?" She asks. (Y/N) nods and the two make their way to the car. It was eerily quiet. The two were careful, keeping weapons close to them. They managed to make it outside, the sun was setting over the horizon and Matt stood outside the car, fixing up his bandage. Upon noticing the girls, he rushed over to them. "Are you okay?" He asks his girlfriend who sniffled, wrapping her arms tight around his waist. (Y/N)'s mother rushes to her grandchildren, making sure the two were okay, who nodded and she went and started the car. 

"I didn't mean to hurt her... or kill her..." (Y/N) murmured quietly. Matt wiped the blood from her face with his thumb, leaning in slowly, giving a soft, yet long peck on her lip. "It's okay, baby..." He murmured softly, resting his head against hers gently. Both there eyes had fluttered shut as they took in the moment. Yes, the world had fallen into hell, but (Y/N) and Matt were alive, and together. "Come on, you too! We don't have all day!" (Y/N)'s grandmother called out from the driver's seat, ruining the wholesome moment between the couple. The two rushed to the car. Y/N's siblings had taken the front seat, huddled together. (Y/N) ruffled both their hairs reassuringly and they give her a small smile scooting over so Matt could get in. The doors lock tight and (Y/N)'s grandmother moves out of the driveway. Matt lied his head back while (Y/N) leaned forward to examine the wound on on his shoulder. He winced as (Y/N) removed the cloth that was covering it. The bleeding had stopped, but an infection was inevitable. (Y/N) rummaged through the bag her mother had brought home pulling out some disinfectant and a clean large band aid. Matt's head lies back as he grumbled at the sight of the disinfectant. "It wont take long, love... I promise." "But, it's going to hurt..." He protests with a whine and (Y/N) frowns. "It wont last long." 

Matt only lets out a  quiet huff, going silent. That was (Y/N)'s cue to gently pour the bottled up substance onto a cotton pad that was generally used to remove make-up. "Hold still," (Y/N) said, gently dabbing the pad on her boyfriend's wound. Matt jolted wincing as pain ran through his arm. His fists clenched together and he bit tightly on his lower lip, almost drawing blood. (Y/N) was quick but careful to clean his wound before placing the band aid over the wound, being wary of accidentally drawing blood. "You can relax now..." (Y/N) mumbles as Matt sighs in relief. As her mother continued driving she began to talk. "I think it's best if we stay at your grandma's house, (N/N)... It'll be away from all the commotion." (Y/N) nodded leaning closer to Matt, resting her head on the shoulder that wasn't wounded. She was exhausted and scared. The events that took place merely half an hour before her continued to flash into her mind. It scared her. All four years of the Purge taking place, she's never once had to deal with this. They were always tucked safely in the basement. Though, Those previous three times of the Purge, (Y/N) spent most of it huddled close to her how dead ex boyfriend's body. The images of him haunted her. And (Y/N) new well, that if it wasn't for Matt being there, She would be the lifeless body on the ground. She was so grateful for him. (Y/N)'s eyes had grown heavy, sleep finally called for her. She let it take her, drifting off into the dream world. She was thankful for the man beside him. Her sleeping form huddling closer to him while Matt watched the sleeping girl with a soft smile.


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