◂date night » mccreamy.

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hey, y'all. this was originally going to be a min yoongi x reader one shot for a different story i had but i decided to make it a mccreamy x reader one shot because i haven't been that into bts lately. (i still love their music, but i've left the whole "i am crazy over them" phase. so, if the name yoongi comes up in this one-shot, just know it's meant to be jay's name. peace.


(Y/N) sighs, staring up at the warm blended colours that covered the sky. The sound of seagull's squawking and waves crashing filled the girl's mind as she sat there, smiling with contentment. She runs a hand through her soft, yet damp hair and smiled down at the sleeping being beside her. Jay. He was her boyfriend. He looked so peaceful. His soft curls covered his forehead, a small smile played on his face as he dreamt. His hand gently held the being's hand beside him. Soft breaths escaped his pink lips, which were parted slightly. (Y/N)'s other hand dropped by her side as she gazed off at the waves in the distance. Today was perfect. Jay had taken (Y/N) out to so many places. They had breakfast at a nice cafe, lunch at a fancy restaurant and finally... He had taken her to the beach. It was amazing. They had a peaceful walk along the pier... and had fun swimming in the ocean... Though, They had the most fun chasing each other along the sand. It was the first time in a while, (Y/N) had felt... Free? She had been cooped up in the Misfits home all week it was nice to actually go out once in a while. Especially when she got to spend time with the man of her dreams.

The boy beside her shifted, rubbing his eyes softly. A light grunt escaped him and (Y/N)  let's out a few giggles. His beautiful, chocolate eyes open meeting (Y/N)'s bright hues. "Hello sleepyhead~" She cooed sweetly, leaning down giving him a soft kiss. Jay smiles, "hey, gorgeous..." He murmured softly, squeezing her soft hand gently. "How was your rest?" (Y/N) questions, interlacing their fingers carefully. Jay slowly sat up, a light yawn escaped him. "Amazing..." He said, chuckling lightly. His soft eyes wandered across the almost abandoned beach. "What time is it?" He asked her. (Y/N) peered down at the mobile in her hands and turned it on. "7:30... We should head home soon." Jay sighs softly. "Today was absolutely amazing..." He mumbled, a slight smile on his face. (Y/N) nods and gently places her head on his shoulder. "It was perfect..." she mumbles, enjoying the peaceful moment they were having. Jay shifted slightly so he was holding her from behind and nestled his face in the crook her neck. (Y/N)'s head tilted up and rested on his shoulder. Jay sighs, rubbing her sides gently and soothingly. A small smile is planted on the girls face. "How did I end up with the most perfect person in the world?" She asks. Jay chuckles softly from behind her. "I am asking myself the same thing, baby girl..." (Y/N)'s cheeks dust a light shade of pink at the nickname he'd given her. "Y-You really think that?" She asks with a deep blush. Jay nodded, "Of course, you're funny, amazing, kind, beautiful, talented... Oh, I can go on..." Jay drags the 'n' in on a bit, smiling warmly as the girl he loved and adored, kissing her cheek softly. (Y/N) leans into his touch. "I love you so much..." She murmurs, relaxed in his arms. Jay ran his hands through her locks before nuzzling in the nape of her neck. "I love you too, precious." (Y/N) stared up at the warm colours in the sky. Soft, fluffy, white clouds scattered around the sky making the whole scene extra pretty. (Y/N) placed the tip of her vape pen into her mouth, inhaling the substance inside before blowing out a puff of smoke. The smoke drifted into the air before disappearing into nothing. Jay planted soft kisses along the girl's neck. They were tender and affectionate kisses that made (Y/N)'s heart flutter.

 She smiles, "love, do you want to go home and cuddle?" She asks the love of her life who paused the love he was giving. He smiles and nods, "sure, then we can cuddle?" He asked. (Y/N) looked back at him and nods, giggling. "Of course." The two, after a minute of enjoying each others company, stood up and got ready to leave. They both gathered their stuff before taking each other by the hands gently and began heading back home. The home wasn't too far away so they walked. It was a quiet night. The sun was slowly setting over the horizon, the soothing silence relaxed (Y/N). She sighs gently, Jay glanced over at her. "What are you thinking about?" He asked, curiously. (Y/N)'s vision drifted over to him and she smiles. "Just thinking about how special I am to have you in my life," she responds. Her answer made Jay's cheeks flush a bright pink. "Gah, I love you..." He hummed, smiling. (Y/N) planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "I love you too, cutie..." She murmured warmly. 

As the couple finally made it back to the Misfit's house, Jay unlocked the door. It was quiet inside, which meant the other boys were either out, asleep or quietly editing videos in their rooms. (Y/N) slid her shoes off, kicking them to the side, as did Jay and the two headed down the hall, looking around. "I don't think anyone is home-" Just as he said that a loud, angry yell from Eric's room bellowed throughout the house. (Y/N) couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "Someone's home." Jayhummed in response before leading (Y/N) up to their shared bedroom. It was around 8 o'clock by now. "Do you want to order Uber Eats?" Jay asked the girl who walked beside him. (Y/N) couldn't help but show off a wide grin, "of course!" She yelled. Jay let out a soft chuckle, pushing open their bedroom door. (Y/N) slipped inside first, tossing her bag onto the carpeted floor carelessly before crawling onto the bed. Jay, who did the same also crawled into bed before placing his phone on charge, logging into it to order the food they wanted. "What do you want to get?" Jay asked the girl who lied her head back onto her pillow. "Whatever you want, love. I'm not picky." Jay smiles and nods ordering the two food. As he finished, he lied back his head hitting the cushiony pillow gently, his phone falling onto his lap. (Y/N)'s arm snaked over his stomach softly, her head nestled against Jay's ribcage.

 "Today was fucking amazing...." She murmured out. Jay couldn't help but smile, moving around so he was facing the gorgeous being beside him, wrapping his arm around her. "Today, really was a special day." (Y/N) smiles, "thank you for today, Jay." "Of course, I love spoiling the girl I love," he admits, kissing her forehead softly. (Y/N)'s cheeks dusted a light pink, "stop being so cheesy..." She hummed out, smiling, her eyes slipping shut as she welcomed the affection she was receiving. Jay let out a small chuckle, "what's wrong with me being so kind?" He cooed out. (Y/N)'s eyes open once more and she pouts, "because it's cute!" She answers before smiling up at him. Jay huffs, "you're meant to love my cuteness," he whined making (Y/N) giggle. "Oh, I do," she said, emphasising the 'I'. Jay grinned and once again planted a kiss on the girl's forehead. "Thank you..." he mumbled sweetly. (Y/N) hummed in response, smiling softly. She truly loved this man with everything. She'd honestly die for him if she had to. As the two laid there in comfortable silence, they started to drift off to sleep. The room was calm and quiet, the only sounds being the soft breaths. As, soon as the two were about to fall asleep, the bedroom door swung open. "Your foods here, cunts!" The voice belonged to Mason. Jay groaned, rolling over in his bed before sitting up. Mason stood there, holding two bags of food that Jay had ordered. (Y/N) huffs, sitting up with exhaustion. "Thanks, Mase..." She murmured, rubbing her eyes to get rid of some of the sleep she had. Mason placed the two bags on the bed in front of them before leaving the room. Jay grumbled lying back, "I'm too tired to eat." (Y/N) shrugged, "I'm not," she said before grabbing a bag, opening it. The scent of the take away after through the air and (y/N) smiled in delight. "The food's going to get cold if you don't eat," she said before taking a bite from her meal.

Jay huffs, sitting up once more and grabbed the other bag, pulling the contents that lay inside, out. He licked his lips, his stomach beginning to growl. "Fuck, I am hungry..." He mumbled before digging into his food. (Y/N) laughed softly, shaking her head. "You're a dumbass." Jay shrugged, "I am your dumbass," He said through a mouthful of food. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Even if it's true, eat with your mouth closed, retard." The boy beside her giggles, shutting his mouth, swallowing. "Wow, don't be so rude." (Y/N) smiles innocently, "I love you~" She cooed n a teasing manner. Jay sighs deeply before letting out a small chuckle. "Eat with your mouth shut," he mocked. (Y/N) only rolled her eyes and the two continued to eat their meals.


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