chapter 5.

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I stared at him, as if daring him to rebuke me. I waited for the insults, the snarky comments, the rude innuendos. But none came. Wow. I really either must've made a point, or he had run out of retorts. In any other situation, I would have gone with the second option, but I saw something like guilt and a hint of... appreciation swirling in his eyes. They were grey, like I remembered, but the moonlight sparkling on them made them shine like silver.

"Granger, I-I had no idea that the amount of soul-crushing pain you had to endure was this ginormous," and what surprised me was the tone of his voice. Draco Malfoy was actually being... gentle? My words must've affected him more than I thought they would. And I felt a bit sheepish to still be slightly suspicious of his civil demeanour. Hey, don't blame me! Years of name-calling and hatred have inculcated it as a reflex.

"I always thought that you three, the Golden Trio would have it easy. You were the leaders of the 'Light Side', after all. The entire Wizarding World looked up to you. People revered the very ground you walked on." Did I detect bitterness, or envy? Either way it was unsettling. "I'm not trying to take it too far, but I swear I saw statues of you three, completely decorated with garlands," he added with a sly smile.

I shook my head with a faint smile. Some things never change.

"Malfoy, if you don't mind me asking..."

"Go ahead, Granger. Even if I say no, you're going to use that stupid pout expression of yours to get your way."

I beamed at him.

Wait, hold on.

Did Draco Malfoy, ferret, just compliment me? The sun must've risen from the east today.

"Malfoy, I know this is strictly personal, and you don't have to answer. But, I really want to know- what happened?"

He cocked one eyebrow as if to indicate what?

Damn him. I really despised people who could do it. It was endlessly annoying to me.

"Honestly, Granger, if you were any slower, you'd be going backward."

I huffed, but continued, "I never got to ask you. I went on a tirade, berating you. But, life wasn't exactly good to you, either. It must've been hard, dealing with so much of criticism and hate. I remember reading such malicious articles about you in The Prophet."

He scoffed, "Yet you're here. Talking to the former Slytherin Prince."

Now it was my turn to look at him cockily. "Who says I believed them?"

He whistled softly. "Granger's straying away from the convention. Granger's breaking rules. I knew it- beneath that swotty exterior, you were a rebel. I bet, you were the mastermind behind all of you three's diabolical plans, that managed to break so many of Hogwart's rules. Again, Miss Granger, you disappoint me. You were the Prefect and the Head Girl too. I expected better from you, really. You are supposed to be an inspiration-"

"Oh shove it, Malfoy!" My cheeks reddened slightly. Had I not known better, I would've sworn he was taunting me. But, there was a humorous undertone to his voice. Weird. "Stop beating around the bush. Answer the damn question."

"Wasn't it you, who a few minutes ago, was so gentle and sweet, and now look at you, all impatient. Really, I must say, for someone that relies on logic so much, you are a little too moody, huh?"

I sighed in exasperation. And he smirked, knowing he was annoying the living hell out of me. Slimy bastard.

I must've said that out loud, because he was sniggering. Ferret.

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