chapter 10.

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I stood there, rooted to my spot, not believing my ears. The room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Suddenly out of nowhere, the hall resounded with sounds of applause.

ME, the Minister? What was the world coming to? I'm sure Kingsley must've confused me with someone else.

I was pumped. I can't say I was not hoping for the position, but I knew my chances were extremely slim.

I was suddenly hit by a blaring spotlight that nearly made my eyes water, a cue for me to head up to the stage, and heaven knows how I managed to do that without tripping over and running like a maniac. The applause, which miraculously still continued, thundered everywhere and I felt overwhelmed by it all.

I had the utter (mis)fortune to come across Ron's face, which was so utterly jealous and angry and humiliated at once, with a brilliant shade of red, and by his side was that bitch, whose face was so crumpled with envy! It was a bloody miracle I didn't spontaneously roll on the floor, laughing my guts out. I clenched my facial muscles so hard, and resisted the irresistible urge to smirk and spit in their faces.

I swear I had some superhuman control that moment.

I made my way towards the stage, whilst the widest smile was on my face (I was sure I looked like a kid on Halloween who discovered a secret stash of candy, though) and Kingsley too, instead of the customary handshake, gave me a huge fatherly bear hug of his that I had come to adore.

All around, I could faintly hear the shutter of cameras around me, but I was too giddy to notice anyone in particular.

Kingsley, with a show of his hand, indicated that I had to deliver my inaugural speech, and I was honestly so worried that I'd mess it up, but I caught Draco's reassuring nod, and he mouthed, "You got this", and I took a deep breath, and said, "First things first," I looked at the man who crowned me as the head of the British Wizarding World, smiled warmly, and said, "Thank you Kingsley, for nominating me and believing in me, every day, when I was unsure of myself. This means a lot to me, and I won't let you down."

I turned to the audience, paused for a second as I looked around for Draco, and when his eyes met mine, I began, "These three years have been absolutely monumental, and I would like to take a moment to appreciate the courage of every single one present here. All of us have loved and lost in the War, but we chose to rebuild, to create order not only of the chaos around us, but the one within us too. All of us were a swirling mass of pain, yet we chose to focus on the path to sunshine. And maybe somewhere, while clearing the ruins around us, we dusted the malaise inside us too.

So here's to the strength all of you have exhibited, and look how long we've come. I look forward to working with such talented professionals as yourselves. Here's to another term of working with such courage and diligence!"

For a moment, the room echoed with complete stillness, and I was panicking internally but just then, Harry started clapping with such vigour, and others followed suit. I smiled gratefully at my best friend, and he raised his eyebrows and puckered his lips, an expression that he was extremely impressed. I shrugged my shoulders ever so slightly, but he just rolled his eyes and I could just picture what he'd say. "Meh, 'Mione, learn to take some credit. Or is my ickle little muffin to much of a good girl to do so?" he'd respond teasingly, and I'd hit him with a pillow or whatever book I was happening to read. The heavier, the better.

Why, why did Mother have to call me that in front of Harry, of all people?

Picking my mind out of flashback mode, only because of the sound of the guitar, a sign that the band had begun playing. I stepped down from the stage, and was immediately crowded by Harry, Luna and Neville who enveloped me in giant hugs, and showered me with kisses. Harry specially, literally picked me up, swirling around, and seeing the smiles and pride on all of their faces made me feel so warm and content.

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