chapter 2.

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I turned to face the woman behind me, but I was completely bewildered by her appearance. She had beautiful brown hair cascading down to the small of her back, and she had chocolate eyes, that looked at me so intently that I felt she could peer my soul. My black soul. I looked down to her splendid frame and thought about how stunning she looked, even dressed in a simple white tee and dark blue jeans. I could have been staring at her for all eternity but common sense got the better of me.

I put on a mask of irritation, and said, "Can't a man bloody brood in peace? Sod off, Granger. I've had enough trouble for one night."

She smirked, obviously not believing my tone. Dang it! I cursed for being the stuck up know-it-all she was. She never missed anything.

She looked up to me, and in a surprisingly gentle tone said, "Hey, it's obvious you're not okay. What has been up with you? I rarely see you at any events, even though we work in the same Department. You arrive the earliest and leave when everyone has left. Why are you so hell bent on avoiding everyone?"

"Look, Granger, I am a free man and I can do whatever I please. So please, stay away from me, you filthy little mud-" I just couldn't complete the sentence and I sighed in exasperation.

She noticed it and smirked. "Oh now, Draco Malfoy can't say mudblood huh? And he's in a muggle park? Wow, times are changing," she said teasingly. She tried to sound sarcastic, but it was obvious from the tone of her voice she suspected me of something.

And that was it. I couldn't bear that condescending look she gave me, the stare that she wasn't entirely convinced of my innocence and that I had somehow evaded justice and I lost it. I yelled, "Don't you dare look at me like that Ms. Hermione Jean Granger," She flinched at the sound of her whole name, but I was too angry to notice. "The way you stare at me, you make me feel so utterly worthless. My family may have been full of Death Eaters, and yes, I did serve the Dark Lord. I heard the screams of mud-ggles being driven into insanity. I saw people tortured in front of my eyes. Yes, I participated. But did it occur to you that it was not. FREAKING. WILLINGLY? Has it perhaps sometime crossed your pathetic little mind that I Draco Malfoy, am perhaps a human too?!"

"Well, you are a ferret, so..."

"Damn you Granger! Who do you think are to judge me? You may be the Gryffindor Princess and darling of every sodding professor at Hogwarts," my voice took on a menacing tone, "but, I see you for who you really are. A pathetic bookworm who tags along with Potty and Weasel, because no one else will take her. You, in your heart, know you are no match for us purebloods, and that is bloody why you are jump around and try and answer everything in class, huh? Swot."

I flashed that trademark Malfoy smirk that was sure to infuriate her. I don't understand but watching her squirm always gives
me a sadistic pleasure.

Her face was flushed, and she looked at me angrily, "Malfoy, for once in your life, grow the hell up! What the heck is wrong with you? Here, I am trying, for heaven's sake to be bloody nice to you, and here you are! Acting the same immature way you used to! Let me burst your bubble Malfoy, the world is not under your control! And as for Harry and Ron, bugger off! What do you know about true friendship, anyways?"

Ouch. That stung. Damn Granger for knowing where my weak point was. And judging by the angry look on her face, I didn't think that she realized it either. Well, she probably thought of me as a hollow person. And I can't blame her either. I thought as much too.

"Granger, I may not have a lot of companions, but at least the ones I have are not out of pity. They love me for who I am! And as for you, are you so screwed up that you can't see? Potter and Weasel do not. BLOODY. LOVE. YOU. They stick with you only because they pity your friendlessness. You are nothing but a burden to them that they can't wait to get rid of. I can't believe how thick-headed you are! Haven't you noticed how they literally abandon you during your conversations? You think they talk about Quidditch to annoy you? Bullshit. They do it so you get irritated and leave them alone in peace! Merlin's beard, Granger, how stupid can you get?"
I knew I had hit a nerve. And it was bloody amusing.
And I was just getting warmed up.

"For Merlin's sake Malfoy! At least I am not a sodding prick, who has serious daddy issues. At least I did not blindly follow a stupid nose less half-blood bastard." She sneered, continuing, "And you couldn't even do that properly. Really Malfoy, you are a disgrace to Slytherin."

"I swear to Salazar-"

"I was not finished, ferret. Back in Hogwarts, you used to stride along with those goons of yours, or friends, I should say," I flinched, but she showed no signs of stopping, "You loved tormenting people to show you were superior to them, didn't you? Everyone in Slytherin practically worshipped you, I'm sure. But they didn't know what I do."

I inched a little closer to her. "Ah what is the fact that has dawned upon the useless bucktooth such as yourself?"

"You may pretend that you are invincible, but I see you for who you are," she hissed, "You are a selfish ignorant twat who picks on people weaker than yourself, and all for what? All you need is some sort of validation, because deep down, you are an insecure scared idiot who knows he is not worthy, and will never bloody be. You strive to be like your father, instil fear and respect in others, but you are so, so insignificant. You will always live in his shadow. You think the only reason people tolerate you is because they fear you? Bullshit! They know toying with you is utterly useless because YOU. ARE. NOT. WORTH. IT"

That woman really started to get on my nerves, and I swear my hand was itching to spell off some hexes, but it was sodding useless. She was everyone's favourite, and God forbid anything happen to her. I'd be screwed. Bigtime.

Instead, I did what I did best. Hit her where it hurt.
"Really, Granger? And when did this interesting psychoanalysis take place? I don't recall talking to filth like you. Oh yes, you must be busy observing people because your precious Weasley was busy ogling every other girl except you. Wasn't he involved with that woman, Brown? Of course, he was. You were so wrapped up in your little fantasy that it didn't strike you for one moment that he was too wrapped up in snogging her. Who would love you, Granger? You are a pathetic excuse for a witch; plain face, no striking features. Seriously, it is no bloody wonder no one ever fancied you. You were this humungous swot with two huge tusks for teeth and your hair looked like a nest. Hell, it still does. The only reason people even notice you is because you are part of the Golden Trio, oh my bad, Golden Duo."

She was trembling, and her chocolate eyes were brimming with tears, but I didn't stop.

"Merlin, Granger, you love him, don't you? Really, your stupid Gryffindor hopes border on idiocy. For someone who got such good marks, you are surprisingly dumb, aren't you? Believe me, Weasley may be your guy for now, but as soon as he gets some new chick, he's going to leave you. And being a complete moron, you'll wait for your ickle Ronniekins to come back as your knight in shining armour. Ah wait; you are used to getting left alone by people aren't you? And-"

"HE BROKE UP WITH ME YOU IDIOT! FOR THAT VILE BROWN! HAPPY, NOW?" Tears were cascading down her face. "Bet you loved that didn't you? Hermione Granger cheated upon by Ron bloody Weasley and then dumped like a useless twat!"

She inched closer and I could see every tear clinging to her eyelashes when,

I stared at her with absolute loathing, as I clutched my newly mauled face, as she gave me a look of absolute blinding hatred and stormed away, leaving me in rage, and just a hint of remorse.

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