Chapter 7 (Final): I'll visit - with a full heart

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Everything will be alright <3

A week later


"Surprise!" I'm shocked to see my mum, dad and classmates, I mean for one my class never paid attention to me... Soooo ahaha. After greetings and cake we all go around doing our own thing. I still don't know why they surprised me, but it felt nice.

Yuna walks up to me with a letter. "I think you'd like this. Please stay happy Y/N your sister would like to see you smiling." She then gave me a hug before walking off.

I opened the letter and it read

Hey Y/N!

It's me, Eunji! I know you probably miss me and trust me I miss you too. But please know that I have Yuna looking after you. If you didn't know Yuna was that girl, I would talk about. The one I said would be your guardian angel if I wasn't there. Is she doing her job right? Haha, oh I wish to see your reaction. I'm currently writing this at the hospital... I want to go home, home to you. I just had a bad feeling and I am deciding to write. I don't know... Either way, I promise to look after you for your whole life. I promise to take care of you. I promise you that you will have happiness in your life. I also promise you that no matter where you are, I will be there with you. But you need to promise me that you'll keep the necklace I give you, and you better promise me that you will be happy with or without me. Okay? I love you little sis. I will do anything... To make you feel my love.


- 1st of June 2019

My eyes tear up... June the first. Her death anniversary...

"Hi Yuna, unnie," she giggles at my response

"Unnie? Ahaha I like it," I let out a small chuckle.

"Hoseok has something for you by the way," I look at her confused then she points behind me, and there he is hiding something behind his back. I turn back around to find that Yuna-unnie isn't there.

"Hello Hobi,"
"Hello..." He then takes a deep breath before handing me a small black velvet box. I open it, then I realise that it's the necklace Eunji-unnie was talking about. Hobi then slowly grabs it off of me and places it on me.

"It looks beautiful on you, Y/N," I blush, before slowly placing a soft peck on his cheek. "Thank you for being the one to show me love."
"Anytime" He then looks at me. "Shall we visit her? This time with no broken hearts?" he asks.

"No, promises but okay." He then grabs my hand and we start walking towards Eunji.


A.N: That's it!!!!! I don't even know if anyone is reading this, but if you are... Thank you thank you! I was a bit hesitant to post this, but I got a bit of confidence. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this story!!!! 

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