Chapter 2-Believing in Forever

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Real friends are always going to be there by your side, even at times when you tell them to leave. -Unknown


It was the last day of school before winter holiday. I was thirteen years old, and Harry was my best friend. Ever since that first day we had done everything together. Literally, everything. We had our own handshake, we went to each other's houses all the time, we were partners in school projects, and we were with each other pretty much twenty-four/seven. I still had no other friends, and I was okay with that. I knew that Harry would always be there for me. 

- - -

I turned the corner and my school was in my sight. I was so ready for winter holiday. I was especially excited because Harry and I were going skiing together. I felt my phone buzz in my sweatshirt pocket and I pulled it out.

It read: New message from Hazza.

Hazza was the nickname I had given him back in fourth grade when he had quickly scribbled his name onto an assignment we were doing together and the teacher was reading the paper out loud and said, "This paper was written by Dakota and...Hazza?" He never had the best handwriting, and still doesn't. 

I quickly typed in my four-digit code and opened up my text from Harry.

Got my present for you! It's a good one-H

I smiled as I quickly typed my reply.

No way it's as good as mine!-D

We'll see about that;)-H

I just shook my head grinning to myself as I slipped my phone back inside my pocket. I stopped at the crosswalk and saw Harry at the other side. He had just looked up from his phone and he was looking up at me through his curls. He smiled when he saw me and started walking through the crosswalk towards me. We met at the middle of the crosswalk and he turned and walked with me. 

"You got my present?" he questioned as he looked at my hands then frowned. He then looked behind me at my backpack and frowned more realizing I had no present. I just laughed as I pulled my hair out from under my backpack straps over my right shoulder. Yup, no more pony tail. Oh ya, and the glasses were gone too. I had gotten contacts over the summer.

Every year on the last day of school before winter holiday we would buy each other one present and the last couple years we have sort of  been making a little competition out of it. Nobody really wins, we just try to get each other the better present.

"I have it, I have it. Geez I swear sometimes you're more impatient than Jackson." I joked referring to my little seven-year-old brother. 

He scoffed and shoved me playfully as we entered the front doors to school. "Well, whatever you got me, there is no way it's better than what I got you." 

I just rolled my eyes and stopped when we reached our lockers. I quickly unlocked mine, grabbed my books for my morning classes, fixed my hair in my locker mirror, and grabbed the tiny grey box that had sat in the corner of my locker for five months now. I quickly spun around, slamming my locker shut and leaning against it as I hid the box behind my back. 

Harry quirked an eyebrow up as a small smile appeared on his lips. He took a step closer so that we were a mere foot apart, causing me to sink further down the lockers. I bit my lip to shield my smile as my feet slipped a little, causing them to bump into Harry's. "What you got there? Is that my present?" he questioned in a weird voice. 

I raised my eyebrows as I stood up to my normal height, softly pushing Harry away from me. "First of all, personal space, dude." I joked and he just rolled his eyes shaking his head. "Second," I raised two fingers to clearly indicate that it was my second point, "Yes, it is your present."

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