Chapter 3

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. Iron Girl Returns?

Friend or Foe

Songs of the chapter: 1.Kanye by Chainsmokers, 2.Animals by Maroon 5, 3.Cool Kids by Echosmith,4. Don't stop the music by Rihanna

After we watched the latest episode if faking it Parker left I talked to Ashton and went to sleep and all was right in the world.....sike!

Here's what really happened Dakota called to vent about how rude and disrespectful Parker was and how she's such a prude. Keep in mind I had only just picked up the phone didn't say hello or anything. I answered and she was talking as if she had started the conversation before she called me.

I stopped her after her first few words. "Uh you can stop it right there. I don't like how you're belittling her and calling her a prude and just all around trying to make her insecure." I snapped. "So your taking her side?!" She gasped. "Didn't think k needed to verbalize this but yes yes I am you where being a bitch I lobe you you know that but it's true you where just mean. You knew she wasnt gonna wear that and you brought it to her to taunt her and make her think she couldn't pull something like that off even if she wanted to and thats wrong Dakota so yeah im on her side she's right you're wrong. You should really apologize." "I was you're friend first and you take her side!"

Oh my god really really that is all she got out of what I said. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose before responding. "Two things only by five minutes we where in the same kindergarten class second don't be so petty do you not realize you really hurt her? You know what I don't have time for this and im not gonna sit here and bash my best friend oh and I filled Warren in on your little stunt and he agrees with me so just saved you an embarrassing phone call. Have a good night Dakota hope you don't feel acomplished 'cuz ill be damned if I let you or anyone else tear her down and make her feel less than and in case you didn't know thats how you be a best friend I don't know what you are anymore. Don't call me until you've apologized." I snapped ending the call with a ckick.

I laid back in my bed and exgaled trying to push last moments events to the back of my mind than my phone pinged. I shot up and turned to it and picked it uo from its place on the opposite side of the bed prepared fir a heated argument with Dakota and was surprised to see Ashton name sprawled across the screen.

I opened the text and it read

From Da Bae: "Nite baby ♡ u"

To:Da bae:"Awe ♡ u 2 baby gn"

I leaned over and sgut iff the light and turned down for the night it's been a hell of a day and I need fuel for tomorrow.


I woke up to my long dark brown locks in my face. I sat up and pushed my hair back. I stretched and glance at the clock it was noon. I chuckled to myself and went for my morning pee. I raked a comb throught my mangled hair and pulled it into a ponytail.

The doorbell rang and I heard footsteps walk towards the source. I heard a familiar voices. "Hi Bella's mom!" "Hi Mrs.Carter" Parker and Warren greeted my mom. "Bella your friends are here." My mom called up to me. I ran to the tio of the stairs and looked down.

"Hey sexy's come uo to my office (bedroom) we have a lot of work to do (get ready fir the party) " I exclaimed motioning fir them to follow me to my room. "Yes yes we know the drill." Warren laughed walking uo the stars Parker trailing close behind.

"So did you tell Warren abiut your future boyfriend? " I wiggled my eybrow nudging her in the side. "Uh no spill now. " he demanded pulling her onto the bed. As I smuled and sat in my desk chair. "Well hes one if my best guy friends you know next to you and than every guy in sxhool cuz you know. But anyway where really close and I just started to like him." She blushed furiously.

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