Chapter 5

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This was the girl

I climbed out of the bed slowly never taking my eye off of the little surprise and shaking nervously. I cried holding my pillow in my arms and stood their shaking and crying.Millons of thoughts bumping around in my head. "Why what did I do? Who is doing this? How do they know where I live? Do I know them?"

Their was a knock on the door drawing me back to reality. My eyes widened with fear I-I can't tell 'em they'll worry. I can hamdle it and this person's after me anyway im not dragging my family into this. I pulled the sheets back over the bed and answered the door. "Uh y-yea yea come in." I said wipimg the tears from my eyes and plastering a fake but realistic smile on my face.

The door creaked open and April waddled in. "Bella I can't sleep?" She said yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Oh whats up?" I asked. " I keep having nightmares." She sobbed. "No don't cry im right here." I soothed. She came over to me and I picked her up and set her on my lap. "You want to tell me about it?" I asked.

She shook her head. "It's too scary for you." She said. I couldn't help but smile."Try me." I tested. "Ok." She began.

"I was alone and and in a dark room and I couldn't even see my toes. I heard a man say ' im coming for you' and it got windy and than I saw my feet and my toes where gone. "Gone Bella gone!" I nodded for her to continue. Than I was outside in a park and it was raining but I wasn't getting wet. Than I heard the man again he said 'where are you?' Than laughed like a crazy person and than an old woman grabbed my arm and made her eyes real big (she mimicked the gesture to me and kept going ) and started screaming in my face really really really really loud and it hurt I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let go. Than she dissapered and it got dark but I didn't leave the park it's just k couldn't see anything anymore. Than skiny boney fingers started to pull on my arms and legs in all different directions. "I felt it Bella they where really hurting me." Than they let me go and I fell but really far like they driped me off of a house. I fell for a long time and than I hit the floor and the man talked again he said 'I found you.' And I turned around to the voice and nothing I turned back a-and "It's ok April you don't have to." She shook her head and continued. And he was infront of me and he was pretty and he looked nice but than his face cracked I tried to run but my feet where stuck to the floor. His face kept cracking and than he turned into a green orange and purple monster. He put his tounge in my ear and through my head. He pulled it out and grabbed my arm tight really really tight and than ran super fast and dragged me on the floor my skin peeled off and my meat was showing my bones too a little bit. We stopped and their was a girl he ripped her head off and stuck his hand inside her head and ate everything inside than he dragged her body to me and stuck his hand down her neck and inside of her "I heard her bones cruching too." And than he pulled out her heart and.... he made me eat it. And he kept doing this to people and made me watch than he found a girl and made me jump off a clif with spikes and nails with her under me. He pushed us and I saw the spikes go through her. He made me peel her off of the spikes and wear her. He took out all her meat and bones and made me wear her skin."

"W-Wow." I stuttered stunned at everything she told me I feel so bad for her im scared I thought it was gonna be like monster under my bed stuff but no. "I told you." She whispered. "Lets push the bad stuff out of you're mind with good stuff cause good always wins. " I smiled. "No it doesn't. " she said seriously.

"No don't say that good does win let's read you're favorite. " I said. "The Princess and the Frog!?" She asked excitedly as her face lit up. "Is their a better book." I asked nuzzling my nose into her neck as she cringed and giggled.


I finished reading to April she fell asleep in my arms an hour ago I wanted to make sure she didn't have another nightmare. I think shes ok now though. I got up slowly and padded lightly across the hardwood floors to her room. I set her gently in her bed and tiptoed back down the hall to my room.

I pulled down the covers to clean up the mess and but it was gone. "Wha- what the fuck?" "I-I was just in here I only left for a minute and " I ran out the room across the hall to April's to find her sleeping peacefully just as I had left her. I walked back to my room looked at the bed and shut my bedroom door and went downstairs to sleep on the couch.


I feel the heat of the sun shine on my cheek and roll over with a groan and fall to the floor. "Ooooowwwww." I forgot Im not in my bed. Their are footsteps coming down the stairs. "Bella why aren't you in your bed?" My dad asked groggily starting a brew of coffee. "I uh fell asleep whatching Pretty Little Liars." "Not the new one right!?" "I wouldn't think of it. I told you id wait for you." I chuckled.

"Good. Now do you want a cup before your mom wakes up?" "You know I do." Me and my dad are really close we watch TV together and drink cofgee in secret. He's the best. "You ready to go to the city?" He asked siping on his cafinated drink. "Oh yea I should actuall be getting ready if we want to beat the traffic." I sighed. He chuckled lightly "You should." He took my cup and poured it sown the drain and kissed my head. (Our signal mom is coming) "Have fun." He said. "Morning sweetheart. " My mom said sweetly walking into the kitchen as I was leaving.

"Morning Mom." I said walking out of the kitchen as she took my place I turned around and winked at dad when she went to the fridge. We laughed and continued our morning. I trotted up the stairs and into the room and remembered all that happened last night.

'I can't go to N.Y.C. he might be there.'

I thought to myself shuttering at the thought. My phone rang on my computer table. I turned over to it and my eyes widdened. 'It's him....."

I paced around the room thinking about weather or not to answer. 'Answer it.' 'Don't answer it.' 'Answer it!" I swiftly picked up the phone and clicked it on. "H-Hello?" I muttered nervously. "Hey babe you ready!?!" Warrens bright and bubbly voice echoed through the phone excitedly.

I let out a sigh of relief when his ohome rung in my ears. "Oh my god yes yes im ready I'll meet you at Dakota's in ten." "Mmkay." He chuckled and hung up. "As long as im not alone I'll be okay....right?"

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